
Love the daredevils!!!

Crazy day....

The mean cockerels have been spared, for now:

Took my 10yo shooting early this morning (her first time - she listened well, followed all my instructions, and shot incredibly well! So proud of her!) Then took her to a local (tiny) amusement park for a private party. Had time for one ride with her, then left her there with friends, and came home to swap with dh (sick 7yo and wild toddler at home, so we can't both go - and DH wanted to be there more than I did). He got there as the rides ended, and BBQ began.

When he got home, it was time to drive to the farm where we get our raw milk, an hour away from home (we take turns picking up for 4 families). After that, Dh ran out to help someone move, and Dd and I had to rig a divider in the X-pen, so both meanies can share it, without attacking, to get them into the coop before the rain hit (made it just in time).THey are cramped, but it should work better than the dog crate (solid floor, nasty with poop). During that process, the Roo that defends the Leghorns saw meanie #2, and pecked him through the cage. So we had to rearrange things for his protection. Meanwhile, said meanie got loose. Defender attacked him over and over until I chased him (Defender) out into the run, caught meanie #2, and got him back into his side of the x-pen. Gave tboth meanies broiler/grower (hey! I can use it now, hurray!), got their water set up (#2 is going to have to learn to use a nipple waterer without help, since I can't get him to come to me without escaping and dealing with Defender again).

Now off to shop for a boning knife, and another cutting board, etc. so I will be ready to go.

This also leaves me with the dog cart free in case another female gets hurt by the remaining males. Since these two are good for now, I am postponing their execution, to give me time to get more supplies. I can't process them in a storm, or without Dh to watch my wild toddler (who unlocks doors and escapes when my girls get distracted. And if they forget to lock bathroom doors, he likes to "wash his hands" in the TOILET. Ick.

I found a 4 level cage on craigslist for an awesome price, but called JUST after they sold it - that would have allowed me to get ALL the roosters out, and fatten them up for another month or so. So now dh is back on the "maybe we can keep them a little longer" wagon, lol.

Oh, and my Orloffs (who are stunning, and blending in pretty well with the Speckled Sussex group), are now fully integrated into the flock, the EE is no longer being picked on.......

But a rooster just bit my 10yo. Broke the skin. He's going into the crate tomorrow (they're settled in for the night, and I have dinner on the stove. Catching him will be my morning chore)..
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Pozees , I am so sorry for your losses such a heart break. I appreciate all the information you have passed on to us. Just wanted to say I was sorry and to thank you for sharing your knowledge.

It's been a tough few weeks, and until I cull the two pullets and a few cockerels that have to go, I am on high caution, disinfecting everything constantly, worrying over everything, and there's a chance I'll lose more, the SS are just coming 4 months of age so the next 2 months they remain vulnerable. Wendy is arranging to get me some turkey manure, and once I've spread that I will feel better, as they should acquire the immunity they need to fight the virus. Needless to say, I am giving more thought to keeping a turkey or two in the future. Has anyone ever tried the Midgets? Or Sweetgrass? Those are two I've thought about before, I like the small size of the Midgets in particular (relatively speaking).
I got my first egg this morning!! I thought the wyandotte would lay before the orps but when I went to see what all the ruckus was one of my orps was sitting in the nesting box. Most of the girls haven't really shown much interest in the nesting boxes so I thought it was suspicious and lifted her up to find an egg! Is she being broody? Is it possible someone else laid the egg and she's being broody over another's egg?
Judy, do all hatcheries use the live Mereks vaccine? Looking at some hatcheries now, just says vaccinated against Mereks??????? Got it, the dander is what spreads the disease, so even if they are out in a big run all day, they are up in the coop closed in at night, and exposed to lots of feathers and dander.

Minchi, My daughter has her heart set on another Jersey Giant or Australorp, so is looking for that kind of roo for now. But, who knows if she can't find one, she may settle for another breed of rooster, as long as they are good size!


That is fine, Roos are hard to place and even find this late in the year so wanted to make sure you saw it. Good luck, i am sure you will make some covert rooster owner out there very happy.
Congrats on selling your blue novelty eggs! I know some moms like the olive eggers for the kiddios, green eggs and ham an all. LOL

Guess it is time for an experiment!!!!! Some have luck starting their own mother culture, others not so lucky..........
..... Humm Zoe lays Green Eggs.....
I got my first egg this morning!! I thought the wyandotte would lay before the orps but when I went to see what all the ruckus was one of my orps was sitting in the nesting box. Most of the girls haven't really shown much interest in the nesting boxes so I thought it was suspicious and lifted her up to find an egg! Is she being broody? Is it possible someone else laid the egg and she's being broody over another's egg?

She may have laid it or she may be practicing. Congrats on the first egg!!!
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Well I'm back home to find my garden has become a virtual jungle. My zucchini plants are at least 4 ft tall and my neighbor says have been keeping her family well fed ever since I left. My tomatoes are well over 6 ft tall, lots of blossoms and small unripe fruit. My Canolini (sp?) beans are also gargantuan with lots of blossoms, no beans yet. Carrots, beets, and some fennel are also doing well. Didn't even check out the onions yet, but I suspect they are large too. You guys had some rain while I was gone? LOL

Not as happy with my chickens. My stupid Wellie is still broody after 4 weeks. Exactly how long should I expect a broody sitting on golf balls to stay broody? I walked into the coop to find my feeder (which holds enough food for 8 days) to be completely empty. Have no idea how long it had been empty. My neighbor swears he filled it 2 days ago (YEAH RIGHT!!!!) Guess I've learned my lesson about letting him watch my birds while I'm gone. I threw food on the ground and the girls eagerly ate it up, but it didn't look like they were actually starving. They look healthy, except that my Dom has bare patches on both of her shoulders. She has always been the picked upon bird, so I guess will 12 other girls now picking on her she's starting to be a little worse for wear.

Where do you guys in CS get your blue-kote? I looked in BigR Fountain several weeks ago and they didn't have any. So guess I need to go find some.

Chick, so glad to hear nothing to worry about with your son.
Is there anyone is Northern Colorado who has Valbazen Broad Spectrum Dewormer willing to sell a very small amount? I only need about 3cc so I don't want to spend $40 on 500! Thanks.

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