


My internet connection went down when I was trying to post another picture, so I'm adding it here. The hen's name is Speckli - referring both to her breed and to the German word for bacon and (my interpretation) " Little Piggy".


I don't know, she might be good in show
On a side note I am looking at Azure Standard order and I see there is a drop in North Boulder beginning of March. Wasn't sure if anyone was going to be ordering from them?

Very cool! I just might have to check into them again. Thanks for the heads up...

Maggiemo- please keep us updated as the hatching starts.....
I just candled them for the last time. 14 eggs went into lock-down. All 10 shipped NN eggs and 4 of PC eggs, two brown and two EE!!

I filled up the second reservoir in the incubator (thanks margie!!) and put the eggs into cardboard egg cartons. I didn't have any shelve lining stuff like some people use. I hope that is ok.

The chicks don't seem very big. It isn't all dark when I candled them, I can see what looks like yolk and egg white around most of the chicks and air sacks, so I hope they developed ok. Nothing I can do about it so
Sorry, I cannot answer those questions, I need to read more on hatching.

On a side note I am looking at Azure Standard order and I see there is a drop in North Boulder beginning of March. Wasn't sure if anyone was going to be ordering from them.

@trsturself Have you gotten your FF feeder made and using it yet? I am curious because since I built the bucket feeders and those do best with crumbles. Really want to order from Azure for the whole grains feed and mix my own when I start fermenting again in warm weather. Thanks!

I haven't yet. This last freeze froze the FF solid in the bucket I was fermenting it in first. Once the next cold blast passes I'll give it a try.
I use my whole grain mix in my bucket feeder. The only problem I find with whole grain is they pick out the stuff they like best first. They always have a ton of oats left over. But I don't give them new stuff until they finish up most of the oats. lol

I just candled them for the last time. 14 eggs went into lock-down. All 10 shipped NN eggs and 4 of PC eggs, two brown and two EE!!

I filled up the second reservoir in the incubator (thanks margie!!) and put the eggs into cardboard egg cartons. I didn't have any shelve lining stuff like some people use. I hope that is ok.

The chicks don't seem very big. It isn't all dark when I candled them, I can see what looks like yolk and egg white around most of the chicks and air sacks, so I hope they developed ok. Nothing I can do about it so

Fingers crossed for you!
I just candled them for the last time. 14 eggs went into lock-down. All 10 shipped NN eggs and 4 of PC eggs, two brown and two EE!! :weee
I filled up the second reservoir in the incubator (thanks margie!!) and put the eggs into cardboard egg cartons. I didn't have any shelve lining stuff like some people use. I hope that is ok. 

The chicks don't seem very big. It isn't all dark when I candled them, I can see what looks like yolk and egg white around most of the chicks and air sacks, so I hope they developed ok. Nothing I can do about it so :fl

OMG! I am so eggicited for you! You will do great!

I haven't yet. This last freeze froze the FF solid in the bucket I was fermenting it in first. Once the next cold blast passes I'll give it a try. 
I use my whole grain mix in my bucket feeder. The only problem I find with whole grain is they pick out the stuff they like best first. They always have a ton of oats left over. But I don't give them new stuff until they finish up most of the oats. lol

Ok great thanks for the update.
I just candled them for the last time. 14 eggs went into lock-down. All 10 shipped NN eggs and 4 of PC eggs, two brown and two EE!!
Too bad none of the ameraucana eggs developed. They should of been fertile because they are the favorites with both roosters. You could of gotten your blue rooster. I suddenly have too many eggs. I'm up to 10-12 a day if I get them before the magpies do. I even got my first guinea egg of the year.
Too bad none of the ameraucana eggs developed. They should of been fertile because they are the favorites with both roosters. You could of gotten your blue rooster. I suddenly have too many eggs. I'm up to 10-12 a day if I get them before the magpies do. I even got my first guinea egg of the year.
I said EE but maybe they are ameraucana eggs? There are two blue eggs that are developing that are yours.
I got 18 eggs today!
:hugs First don't beat yourself up I wonder if Odys comb was really from frostbite? It would have been dis colored or blackish at the top? If so then it was more than likely frostbite, they bleed a lot from their combs and wattles. I saw Rocco had some on a one of the tips of his comb and he had bleed onto the back of his head some. These things happen with chickens/livestock, they are very resilient and he shouldn't skip a beat if it was small portion of the comb. Just watch for infection, you can put Bag Balm on it for a soothing effect and as a preventative in the future when it is suppose to be cold. You are doing great, you will probably figure out hatching before me! Dont worry, I know how that goes, I was a nervous wreck back in November when we got that first cold snap. We had a girl get frost bite, then a month or so later the roo's and two hens got frostbite from drinking out of the heated water bowls. Then finally a month later our roo's almost killed each other and this was their first fight. The only way to learn is by continuing what you are doing, reading/researching everything you can about chickens and asking questions here. The instincts are there, obviously you love animals, experience comes with practice and that takes time. I don't know where I would be as a chicken keeper if I wasn't involved with BYC.

Thanks very much for this. :)

It looks like some kind of fight with something happened last night. My tiny hen's crest was covered in some kind of yellow gunk that had her crest feathers glued together. I had to cut it out of her feathers & now she looks terrible. Worst haircut ever. I also found some weird yellow gunk on the rooster's waddles. Not sure what happened but I hope it doesn't happen again tonight.
Thanks very much for this. :)

It looks like some kind of fight with something happened last night. My tiny hen's crest was covered in some kind of yellow gunk that had her crest feathers glued together. I had to cut it out of her feathers & now she looks terrible. Worst haircut ever. I also found some weird yellow gunk on the rooster's waddles. Not sure what happened but I hope it doesn't happen again tonight.

Yellow like egg yolk?

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