
Oh Sam, that is a cute bird...darn you for tempting me....

I just walked by the incubator and I saw that an egg has pipped, I think it has a crack in it from the inside out. It's one of PC blue eggs (americauna?). we go I guess, the waiting and watching begins!

Oh my! You are in for a LONG night! Better put the caffeine drink on now....
It started out all blue and sunny this morning when I went out to feed the turkeys, chickens and goats, but now it's overcast with still a little blue peeking through... I was so enjoying the sunshine... oh well we can always use the moisture here in Colo.

Alebeula, I love the look of your Silkie/Americauna. We got 2 EEs that bred with our BLRW to produce a girl that lays sorta green eggs and looks like her mom. I've never had silkies but those who do seem to love them.

We are going to be trying our first incubator hatch in March from our own eggs... am pretty excited to try it. Our girls are getting older and on the downside of their productive time. Am NOT looking forward to making chicken broth out of my sweet little friends!
But DH says that's the only way we can afford to do the chicken thing.
It started out all blue and sunny this morning when I went out to feed the turkeys, chickens and goats, but now it's overcast with still a little blue peeking through... I was so enjoying the sunshine... oh well we can always use the moisture here in Colo.

Alebeula, I love the look of your Silkie/Americauna. We got 2 EEs that bred with our BLRW to produce a girl that lays sorta green eggs and looks like her mom. I've never had silkies but those who do seem to love them.

We are going to be trying our first incubator hatch in March from our own eggs... am pretty excited to try it. Our girls are getting older and on the downside of their productive time. Am NOT looking forward to making chicken broth out of my sweet little friends!
But DH says that's the only way we can afford to do the chicken thing.
Best of luck next month with your hatching! The one I'm hoping to start this month (what little is left, that is) will be my first as well. I'm nervous! What kind of incubator do you have and what kind of chickens are you hatching from?
My neighbor and i did the final candling and locked down 41 out of 42 eggs last night. Hatching should comence Saturday night or Sunday.
My incubator is at his house at the moment. He did not notice that the fan had quit running. I changed it out pretty quickly i do not think the eggs were affected. I should have at least 8 silky americauna eggs hatching. Does anyone want any blue egg layers that look like this once grWown.
Wow, that is a lot of chicks! Fingers crossed they all hatch!!!
It started out all blue and sunny this morning when I went out to feed the turkeys, chickens and goats, but now it's overcast with still a little blue peeking through... I was so enjoying the sunshine... oh well we can always use the moisture here in Colo.

Alebeula, I love the look of your Silkie/Americauna. We got 2 EEs that bred with our BLRW to produce a girl that lays sorta green eggs and looks like her mom. I've never had silkies but those who do seem to love them.

We are going to be trying our first incubator hatch in March from our own eggs... am pretty excited to try it. Our girls are getting older and on the downside of their productive time. Am NOT looking forward to making chicken broth out of my sweet little friends!
But DH says that's the only way we can afford to do the chicken thing.

Hey, LOVE your code name! At this very moment, we have blue sky above us, but 30 mins ago, not so much.
Wow, that is a lot of chicks!  Fingers crossed they all hatch!!!

My neighbor is going to rotate his flock and raise the roos for meat. My wife has a friend that wants 10 chicks also. In my second incubator i have an experiment of sorts going on. I set some whole foods eggs to see if they will hatch. The nice dark brown ones. I candle those Sunday. I will let you guys know how things go.
Yup, we've got blue sky now too but that's one of the joys of living in Colorado. Were at 7800 feet. Have you had any problems with hatching out chicks at your altitude? I have a friend at about your altitude and she has had no success with hatching out turkeys, she believes, because of the altitude.
WOW everyone is very busy.
Congrats on all the lockdowns!

All I did after work so far is to baton down the hatches on the coop (put the latches back on all the windows). I am not worried about not having enough ventilation I have the west soffet open. I had noticed the stupid pre-snow wind was making them open and close some.
Paint the brooder before it gets to cold so I can do the wire this weekend.
And dug the snowblower out of the BACK of DH's very overstuffed storage shed.

I am always looking forward to pics of the new hatches. Sounds like it is going to be a really wide assortment of littles.
I might, but not till mid-April. I already asked Trsturself for a CCL blue egg chick, but some silky genes in the Americana sound really interesting. I'll see how things stand in April.
Lol, we will have silkie bantam EE crosses around the same time as the CCL.

Well... I was supposed to come home with 6. I think I may have 'miscounted'

Cute. Do you know what breeds you got?

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