
No hatching yet, peeping from bator and we have something like 13 that have pipped. The first one is getting more serious now and has begun making a bigger hole.


The peeping has not been un-noticed by our alpha female who is now taking up hatch watch with me. Here is OSHA trying to patiently wait.

First pipper is now making a bigger hole.

Today is day 21! So they are right on time
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Can you post pictures of wild asparagus??? I could be walking right by it and not no, as I have no clue what it looks like in the wild, or in the garden for that matter, since I have never grown it!! lol
You are looking for a patch of hairy gold/brown dead growth left over from last year. The new growth is all close to the ground. I find it mostly along lateral ditches (the small directional ditches used to move irrigation water around the field, in tall weeds or along fence lines. Luckily for me, the horses do not bother it. If you find a patch, cut it back so other's don't find it and to encourage new growth.
So here's something "funny". Last year the nursery had no problem helping me get cherry trees, I watered all summer, winter and recently....they died. Sad sticks are in the ground right now. So, I go back to the nursery, because they have a great warranty, I'm told this morning "sweet cherries don't grow at your altitude" Are you kidding me? Peaches, cherries and something else don't do well above the Springs. I was pretty upset, because I always tell them we live in dry Peyton/Falcon. We got replacement apple trees. I wanted apples trees anyways, but also really wanted sweet cherries. Bummer.

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