
The ccl returned last night after a neighbor texted my bf that it was 2 houses down. We then had to chase the stupid thing around the block 2x.
Glad she came home.

Stupid or just to smart for her own good?
Too cute. :love

SO FLUFFY!!!!!!!!! Those are some cute babies you got there.
Congrats on all the little hatchlings.

Thanks to you both. Funny because we have a lot that look similar kinda a Buffy reddish color, some with chipmunk strip and then the two almost white light yellow puff balls. Can't wait to see what they look like.
It will be interesting to say the least. They change so much in the first couple weeks. Amazing little creatures for sure. My white EE is very oddly colored. I am going to have to remember to get some pics tomorrow. Been so very busy around here lately.

Today DH was gone most of the day and is gone again. Being on call means he is gone a lot. I end up trying to keep up on the entire work load. He came home briefly just after I had finished digging the grass out from around the shrubs, putting metal edging in, adding mulch and mowing. Some kid on a scooter with other kids went tearing through the front lawn. DH bout lost it. I guess I get my fence now. HEY, WAIT, THAT means I have to build it. Oh crud, going to be busy again next weekend with the bird swap and then the fence building. I have been wanting a little fence across the front for a while so I guess it is ok.

And I wonder why I am tired.....
Had a bad morning today. My brother's puppy broke into a brooder box & ate my blue Phoenix chick. I'm extremely upset, mostly with my brother since he refuses to train the puppy & she has pretty much ruined everything I own. I'm also extremely upset about losing my chick. It was the protector of the smaller chicks & has some gorgeous blue feathers coming in. This is harder to deal with because I just had to get another shot for the concussion migraines last night.

Hope everyone else is having a better weekend.[/quo

So sorry Uzi. How old is your brother? I'd be pretty mad, especially if he's old enough to know better. On the other hand, if you and he can work something out about the puppy so he accepts the need to train it pdq, it will sure be a lot less stressful for you. Hope you feel better.

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