
The new saying at the ranch

Here a broody, there a broody, everywhere a broody, broody. It is spreading like wildfire.
I have two broodies at the moment also. I did have three. I have a SS and an Australorp both broody at the moment. I am going to have to break these two as i have way to many chicks and chickens at the moment. At least my flock is two down as i sold a couple of hens to some people that are starting a flock. Its good to see other people getting involved and having fun with chickens. Thats number three that i have infected with the goto have chicken tv bug.
Supposed to be potential heavy snow tonight into tomorrow above 8000 ft. More rain for us out here on the plains. This has been one wet spring! Just wish it wasn't so cold along with it. More wet weather off & on over the next week or so.

My egg buyer has been evicted from his rental and will be looking for a new place to raise all the chicks my eggs have provided him. He told me he may stop buying for about a month during June while he's getting re-established, then wants to start right back up again. I told him I think maybe I'll get serious about getting an incubator and hatch them during that time. I'll miss the income as it covers their food, but selling chicks might prove more profitable anyway. We'll see.

@COChix Have you found a new place yet? Hope you can soon to relieve the stress you must be experiencing... it sucks really.
By the way, how is your wrist/arm doing? Much improvement?
With all this ongoing wet weather I am so over it. I could really use some sunshine. I came down sick on Friday and am thinking this is sorta serious since I cannot seem to be out of bed for more than an hour or two at a time. Coughing is becoming more and more painful.

Nyquil is my best friend right now.

This really stinks having so much rain day after day. My garden is a mudpit. I have plants on order coming in this week for the flowerbeds and do not think I can plant them. I had purchased plants for a butterfly garden and they sit in the pots waiting ever so patiently.

LS, I hope your customer can get situated or you can get to hatching. Makes me a bit suspicious of him with him being evicted. Makes me think the chicks may be better off if you hatch them instead of him.

Uzi, I am amazed how fast your babies have grown. They are coming along very nicely. Such cute little buggers.

Cochix, I am hoping things are looking up and you can get resettled quickly. I know how much it must stink to have to let your hens go.

So many broody hens around lol. Makes me laugh a bit at my own misery with the broody witch Lacy. (She is more than happy to take a chunk out of the hand that tries to steal her eggs.)

With all this wet wet wet and last years wet spring DH has said I can now build a greenhouse. (Yeah right like I feel like doing that right now.

Hoping everyone is doing ok,

Cold and wet here too, snow expected tonight. Geesh, doesn't seem much like springtime with all this wet and cold.

LS, Hope you can get yourself a nice incubator built or bought to hatch out your own eggs! There is a market for chicks, I just sold some of my Barnie mixes.

21 Hope you are feeling better FAST. Do you take garlic at all? This really helped me with my last cold.

Uzi, Enjoy those littles, hope they get outside soon!

Samsr, Congrats on selling some of your chicks and broodies, lots of people looking for broodies this year.
Yes to the garlic. I am also taking echinacea and vitamin c. I must be finally getting old lol I never used to get sick and this year I seem to be sick at the turn of a hat.
I had pneumonia when I was a teenager really bad and never really fully recovered. Scar tissue they say. Kind of scares me whenever I get a cough that hangs on for even a few days.

Well looks like we are in for a cold wet day here. The rest of the week does not look good either from what the forecast is showing.

I hope everyone is making it through fairly well.


I have three bantam golden laced cochins to sell. They are about six weeks old. I purchased them as sexed pullets from Cackle Hatchery. I would like to sell all three as a group for $15. Full disclosure - one of the three is looking a little rooster-y, but it's too early to say for sure. They are happy and healthy little chick-lets, I just ordered too many! Here is my post from Craigslist:

Thanks! I'm actually really pleased with the way my barnyard mixes came out. I mean, I'm super proud of the last illustrations that I had printed in an amazing comic book series, but I think I'm most proud of these two little demons. :) I didn't have much of a hand in the other 3, but I think they'll grow up to be good looking birds, too. Especially that little d'Anvers. That one is just the cutest!

Funny because I feel the same way about our babies from our flock. I am pretty proud of them! It will be cool to see how they feather out and such.

Supposed to be potential heavy snow tonight into tomorrow above 8000 ft. More rain for us out here on the plains. This has been one wet spring! Just wish it wasn't so cold along with it. More wet weather off & on over the next week or so.

My egg buyer has been evicted from his rental and will be looking for a new place to raise all the chicks my eggs have provided him. He told me he may stop buying for about a month during June while he's getting re-established, then wants to start right back up again. I told him I think maybe I'll get serious about getting an incubator and hatch them during that time. I'll miss the income as it covers their food, but selling chicks might prove more profitable anyway. We'll see.

Have you found a new place yet? Hope you can soon to relieve the stress you must be experiencing... it sucks really. :hugs By the way, how is your wrist/arm doing? Much improvement?

Details are being figured out still and will evolve as we go. We will take a few layers with us and the ones we hatched. Looks like the rest of the flock will be sold as the timing is good now for laying hens. Not sure what we will do with the roo, I guess try and sell him. If not I guess he will go into the freezer. My arm is doing good, slow but good. Still pretty sore if I push myself too much. Pain is good for me it makes me slow down some. Sadly we decided with everything going on we won't be planting a garden :( this year. I will miss that but we have enough to do this next few months in packing and downsizing.

Here are a few shots of our almost 3 weeks old chicks outside in their brooder set up. I introduced them to the horizontal nipples at day 7. They got it right away, thank god, no more water all over the place. Anyway, need to take some individual shots so I can see their feathering. As you see they are feathering fast, one more positive to not having to use a heat lamp.




Is Noah sending the Arc? We are water logged and bogged in North Boulder!
Being on high ground in Denver, I'm not suffering from mud as some of you are. But what I have and have had are a number of guests (in my B&B) who have been expecting Colorado Sunshine and warm spring weather - only to discover it's COLD and WET, and they don't have the right clothes. So REI and Sports Authority have been doing a good business with my guests over the last few weeks!! I keep telling them this is really unusual.

The chickens, however, don't seem fazed by the cold and the wet. They have a space under their coop that's protected and airy, but they still spend most of their time out in the weather. Silly birds.

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