
Morning! Sounds good LS! Good food is what counts. Besides, it's Winter out there and so you are burning more calories anyway. The winds last night rearranged the snow for me yet again. Good coffee counts too!
Wind ugh. I thought it was going to blow our house away last night. It did move the goats' shelter about a foot, broke an H-post in the horse pen that was already old and buried my milli-fleur cochin coop door and waterer. I also have a little bantam OEGB hen that sleeps under the cochin coop that I had to dig out because she was trapped under it because of the blowing snow. I'm ready for winter to be over!!
Ready for winter to be over? ummm I don't think it's even gotten started yet...
"Winter? What's winter?" -- Little Egger

Been a while. Made it through the semester intact. We've been getting a fair bit of cold, but the girls don't seem to mind in the slightest. In fact, Little Egger gave us our first egg this afternoon :)

My mixed flock is 18 weeks, so I really wasn't expecting it. LE escaped twice this morning, so I sat and watched to see where she was getting out. Instead of making another attempt, she started digging around in the coop. Figured it wouldn't hurt to give her a nesting box, 15 minutes later I had an egg and a bird that's now content to stay in the run.

Just moved to Castle Rock and we're looking to start a flock in the spring. We're trying to find a builder for a coop for 10 - 20 chickens or a nice used coop that can be moved relatively easily. Any ideas?

Anyone have experience with Theshedyard? They seems to be nice when we've looked at them at their dealers.

We have too much other stuff going to to spend the time building our own at the moment.

Thanks in advance.
Have you scoured CL? Budget? Their largest coop is not bad but it's only large enough for about 8 hens. You will still need to build some type of secure run. An 8x8 shed from HD is a simple conversion, they'll delivery and you have all of summer to make the alterations.
Just moved to Castle Rock and we're looking to start a flock in the spring. We're trying to find a builder for a coop for 10 - 20 chickens or a nice used coop that can be moved relatively easily. Any ideas?

Anyone have experience with Theshedyard? They seems to be nice when we've looked at them at their dealers.

We have too much other stuff going to to spend the time building our own at the moment.

Thanks in advance.

First off, Greetings
! Like Percheron said, the easiest, fastest, cheapest way would be to buy a built shed from Home Depot or Lowes and then make the minor conversions necessary to turn it into a chicken abode. You would still have to make some sort of run for them and add a pop door into said run, as well as probably adding additional ventilation. Then ~ 16-20 weeks after getting the chicks you'd need to start thinking about nest boxes. I don't know the shed yard... but price depending, that might be fine too.

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