
It's funny you should say that. I just went out to the coop to put some golf balls in that corner. It's a convenient place for them to lay so I'm hoping with the balls there they won't abondon the area. I push the first ball in the shavings a little and hit something hard. I missed three eggs!
Looking for a young Silkie Pullet. I live in the city limits of Longmont and don't want to get a silkie chick since there is a 50% chance it will be male. I would like to find a young pullet. I searched this tread but had a hard time finding a breeder that sells silkie pullets. I might just have to wait until the Boulder County Fair in August. I think there will be some for sale there. Thanks.
Greetings Knew. That is a multi faceted name... Good choice
Glad you found the Colorado thread and welcome. Can't help with those silly lookin' wannabe chickens either,
but hope you're able to locate what you're seeking. Share some pics when you do please!
Hey all,
I know I haven't been very vocal in here, but I just wanted to show off my first rooster! He's a 4 month old Deleware. He will eventually have some competition when I get new chicks at the end of March. Planning getting a pretty big mix of hens again, but trying out a rhode island red and speckled sussex rooster. See who will make the cut!
So far he seems pretty great, he's separated from the hens still, and they could give two ***** tomorrow might be more interesting if I decide to let them mingle together.
ygritte, He is coming along nicely. I think he will end up being a winner for your flock. Sure wish we could have a rooster lol the neighbors would have a fit for sure.
I am just south of you in Loveland.

Knew, Sorry no silkies here either but best wishes on getting what you are looking for. OH and Welcome to the Colorado thread.

LS, Now that is funny. I think you may need a nap today.
@21hens-incharge - Thanks! And hi! It's nice to see a fellow noco resident! Yeah, when I first got my hens I was in city limits, but moved out to the county (literally two blocks outside city limits) to an acre property and am absolutely loving to. Still close to everything Fort Collins, but without the rules, haha.
Do you only do chickens or are you into any other homesteading?

I'm actually quite smitten with this rooster already. His crow is really mild, and he talks whenever he eats (a lot! happy little chirping talks). He seems to have a healthy respect for humans, but not fearful. I really hope he works out. I've decided to finish my new coop before I introduce him to the girls so I can sneak him in at night and there will be plenty of space for them to get acquainted. Mine free range on an acre of land, so I was just going to let them duke it out during the day with plenty of space for whoever to get away, but my roosting space is just a little tight in my current coop, and I don't think it's worth it.
It's a great added motivation to get this darn project done!!
Bummer is I am inside city limits so am limited as to what I can get away with. I am on 1/4 acre which is nice sized for in town but small when trying to do much. I am getting rid of the grass slowly but surely and adding gardening beds so I can grow veggies. I tried for 13 years to amend the soil with mixed and limited results. The hope is the raised boxes will help. Last year I had 8 foot tall tomato plants and canned a lot of them. I had done something that at the time I thought was nuts. Due to the rain last spring I had mud not soil so I went out and dug a huge hole for each tomato plant. I poured in as much of a 2 cubic foot bag of the miracle grow potting soil as it could hold and stuck the tomato plant in. What an amazing result having the best harvest in 13 years with just doing that differently.

I really like having a chatty rooster so am hoping you are able to post videos of him as he comes along. Moving to town took a ton of getting used to for me. Not where I want to be for sure. I miss having a rooster in the flock.

I am looking forward to seeing what I can manage to grow this year. I had nearly given up on gardening all together. The success last season with the tomatoes has renewed my desire to grow my own.
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Good morning everyone!

21- soil amendments can be exhausting, but I'm glad you finally had some luck with the tomatoes! I'm going to be doing a lasagna style of cardboard/compost/brown material over a portion of grass this year. I'm trying to go no till and adopt a lot of practices that gives carbon back to the soil. It's going to be a big experiment so we'll see what happens!
Have you heard of the urban homestead tour? It's a one day tour that goes through 6 properties in Fort Collins and Loveland (3 in each town) and you get to see what's working for others in your area, maybe that could help with the garden? It's on July 30th this year.

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