





Set up a temporary brooder in the house in a tub this am, their dog kennel brooder will go in the run, just need a roof. Anyway, pulled the three out this am as the oldest one seemed hungry, pecking on everything in the incubator including it's flock mates. All are healthy and cute! No more pips seen on any eggs, I think we are day 24, will check the eggs that are left later today. Nothing like chick tv.
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Congrats! Day 12 here...., fingers crossed that I will get something. I have lambs due May 2/3 if all goes well. Total baby stress around here, well almost anyway, at least it is not me personally.. LOL!
I am so glad we get a week of so of decent weather. I need to work on getting things ready for sure!
Enjoy the beautiful day guys!
Yeah. Thought I had dislocated my shoulder and gave in/went to the ER Easter night ~ midnight. Turned out to be a pulled/torn muscle instead. The doc put me on the steroids for that, &  anti-biotics for the crud. (Of course the antibiotics were worthless really as it was/is a viral infection, but made the doc feel better prescribing something I guess). Another doc couple days later put me on an inhaler, also for the crud. I'm not over it yet, but am feeling much better. It's finally letting up some. Hope yours clears soon as well.

I hope you get over it soon, it's looking like a beautiful spring.

The crud has going around school since after Christmas Break. I went a week and a half before I finally broke down and went to the doctor in mid March.

He said I either had bronchitis or pneumonia. The treatment is the same for both, rest and antibiotics. I feel a lot better, but I still hack up crud in the mornings.
You might give a call to some of the various feed stores as most are now receiving shipments of chicks weekly; Ace hardware, Baumgartners, the corner store, Agfinity locations, feed stores... The opportunities are scattered far and wide. Good luck!
We moved our chicks outside yesterday. It was quite a kerfuffle, but it's done and they seem happy with all the extra space to run around in. They're so fun to watch, too :)
I'm looking to start a trio of Narragansett poults this spring along with my Welsummers. I've been to Jax in Loveland 3 times to pickup the poults, but the order keeps getting canceled.

Any of you know someone local along the front range that has Narragansett Turkey poults for sale?
I'm looking to start a trio of Narragansett poults this spring along with my Welsummers. I've been to Jax in Loveland 3 times to pickup the poults, but the order keeps getting canceled.

Any of you know someone local along the front range that has Narragansett Turkey poults for sale?
You're right at the start of turkey season. Feeder Supply will special order in some for you if you can't find them locally.

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