
I have one broody sitting on 8 eggs for 4 days. Took a peak at a few and have veins in the ones I could see into. Second hen decided to join the party and gathered 6 eggs the next day. White eggs already have veins.
How you doing Mo?
I haven't candled any eggs under my broody yet.
BUT!!!! I just got an email that the chicks will be here tomorrow!!
I'll let you know when they get here.
The chicks are outside!!!!!!!


This is how I've been greeted for the last two mornings. They seem content.


I'll need to hit the feed store after work this afternoon, the big girls are getting low on food and they can get persnickety.
Shoot. I was hoping they would show up in 17 days... I'm around Thursday.
Me too...also, he wrote "This order includes bantam lavender, large fowl Silver, black & lavender Ameraucana chicks and also large fowl buff Chantecler chicks."
I didn't want Chantecler birds. I said 'hatchery choice' of Ameraucana large fowl
. I only got lavender bantam ameraucana, not a variety. Oh well...hope they are all alive and healthy.
I'll keep you posted on when they come and how they are doing.

edited to say; I just read a little about the chantecler birds...they sound great...I take it back about being bummed about getting them.
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My chicks made it today as well. After a delayed delivery all very alive and active. I can tell the Dark Brahma's and the Gold Laced Wyandottes, but I cant tell which ones are Columbia Wyandottes and which ones are Whiting True Blue, the reason for the order. I want BLUE EGGS!

The little dinosaurs are now snug in their newly built brooder. I am using a heating pad and going to raise these babies with their flockmates now almost a year old.

I know, where are the pictures. Not to dissapoint.

More pictures later. If you are looking for chicks, some of these beauties are available in Penrose.
Me too...also, he wrote "This order includes bantam lavender, large fowl Silver, black & lavender Ameraucana chicks and also large fowl buff Chantecler chicks."
I didn't want Chantecler birds. I said 'hatchery choice' of Ameraucana large fowl
. I only got lavender bantam ameraucana, not a variety. Oh well...hope they are all alive and healthy.
I'll keep you posted on when they come and how they are doing.

edited to say; I just read a little about the chantecler birds...they sound great...I take it back about being bummed about getting them.

I have buff Chantecler birds from Fowl Stuff. You have to give them tons of time to grow out, like months and months. I hatched 3 last September. They are just now getting their size. The pullet isn't at POL yet, doesn't even look close. You will be amazing how stocky the little ones will get compared to the Ameraucanas. The little cockerels will bite you, but not when they grow out. They tend to have a great temperament when grown and they do lay all winter.

I also have a few LF lavenders and lots of blacks from John. So if we need to trade out on gender, I might be able to help.

As an FYI, I have bantam silver ameraucanas in the bator right now. Haven't even checked fertility yet, but if I can hatch some extras and you're interested let me know.

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