
@Auntie Moose I got my chicks at Kiowa Country Corner feed store and ended up on their email mailing list. One email was for an animal swap and one of the things in the email was that people are always looking for kittens and roosters. I don't know how far you are from them but maybe you could call them and see if they know someone looking for a rooster. Or maybe there is a smaller feed store closer to you that you can call and ask.

Kiowa Country Corner
Open from 8 am. to 6 pm Monday thru Saturday and Sunday 9 am to 4 pm
Located at 10240 Highway 86, the corner of Highway 86 and the Elbert Highway in Kiowa
For more information call Kiowa Country Corner at 303-621-2466

The person that was originally going to take my rooster actually ended up not needing a roo, otherwise I would ask her.

Maybe look at Craigslist for animal/poultry swaps.
I live in Jefferson County. Kiowa county is a "fur piece" from where I live. Wardles in Wheat Ridge has a poultry swap once a month, but the guy admitted to me that roosters are hard to get rid of. The August one is this weekend. I think there are numerous around that I can look for. Thanks for helping!
Cute egg box Trish!

Cballiu-I just signed up for Colorado chickens Facebook page. Thanks for the tip.

Good luck finding a home for your rooster Auntie Moose. Keep us posted!
I have some roosters I am pretty much resigned to harvesting this fall. The little bantams are from good stock, so I will try a little while longer to see if anyone wants them. There are so many roosters out there right now I don't think I will even try to get rid of the mix breed roo I have

I am harvesting lots of tomatoes and peppers right now. Cucumbers are just coming in. How are other peoples garden?
I am such a noob!! When I was letting the kids out into their run this morning, I saw what looked like ugly, wet, black poops! I looked at the birds and they looked fine. After staring for a few moments, I realized that I had given them blueberries yesterday and they had mashed them into the ground.
Cute egg box Trish!

Cballiu-I just signed up for Colorado chickens Facebook page. Thanks for the tip.

Good luck finding a home for your rooster Auntie Moose. Keep us posted!
I have some roosters I am pretty much resigned to harvesting this fall. The little bantams are from good stock, so I will try a little while longer to see if anyone wants them. There are so many roosters out there right now I don't think I will even try to get rid of the mix breed roo I have

I am harvesting lots of tomatoes and peppers right now. Cucumbers are just coming in. How are other peoples garden?
Maggie, I also signed up for Colorado Chickens Facebook page. Even thought I still haven't gotten any leads on getting a home for my cockerel, I really enjoy the people on that page. I got two questions about him off my Craigslist ad, but nothing came of either one. I guess we might try the swap at Wardles tomorrow, but I am not optimistic.
A great place to get chickens both rare exotic breeds and the more common egg layers is from a family in Strasburg on CL. They are great folks that share tips and a booklet on raising chickens and help determine the best breed for your family. You can also get organic feed there. They have all age ranges and guarantee sexing which is great for those that live in the city.

They have the most breeds I have seen and they are all hatched onsite and not from a hatchery. Speckled Sussex White Leghorn Easter Eggers Silver Laced Wyandottes Golden Laced Wyandottes Ayam Cemani Double Laced Barnvelders Blue Naked Neck Turken Bresse Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Rhode Island Niederrheiner Blue Partridge Brahma Bielefelder Black Copper Maran Buff Orphington Silkie Light Brahma Polish Black Australorp White Rock Barred Plymouth Rock Partridge Plymouth Rock Delaware Black Jersey Giant Welsummer Blue Copper Marans Lavendar Opringtons
Here are a few links for you to look at for the netting you are looking for. I think Amazon had the best price by far.

I really hope your doggie gets back to his ole self soon. I am sorry the receptionist was not kind or helpful.

I have a dog that had similar symptoms to yours. I am glad yours did not eat something that caused a serious blockage. Mine did and had the very expensive surgery. He has since been very careful about what he eats. When I read about your dog I was very worried for him. So glad he feels well enough to be up and about.
Thank you and I'm glad your dogs are okay!

I'm lucky in that Toki won't eat big objects (toys, socks, etc), but he does unfortunately have bad reactions to things most dogs could eat with no problems. I'm pretty sure he ate a mushroom while chasing rabbits and it didn't sit well. It was scary because he's never had that severe of a reaction before. He's on his last day of the prescription bland diet, but I'm looking into changing his regular food to something similar to this i/d stuff he's been on. He's done really well on it and is back to acting like himself again. :)

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