
I'm so sorry.
It's never a great feeling to lose an animal but it's just that much worse when it's a favorite. I hope you feel better and can get your coop secure. I bet that little vermin will be back.
Thank you. I used to like raccoons! The first shirt I pulled out this morning getting ready for work was a Rocket Raccoon shirt. Way too soon to wear that. I was worried that one of the other cockerels had killed him, but both Ronan and Lucien had battle damage as well. Little guy just didn't stand a chance.
Thank you. I used to like raccoons! The first shirt I pulled out this morning getting ready for work was a Rocket Raccoon shirt. Way too soon to wear that. I was worried that one of the other cockerels had killed him, but both Ronan and Lucien had battle damage as well. Little guy just didn't stand a chance.

Hang in ther. A couple of years ago i saw a large bobcat taking off with one of my hens. It sucks. But it happens. I couldnt get to a hunting accessory fast enough to take care of the situation. This just gives you a reason to hatch this spring.
Unfortunately, my flock had their first encounter with a raccoon last night and Igor was killed. I'm really heartbroken because he was my favourite and it's not a great thing to find first thing in the morning. The other babies had some damage but are still alive. I'm hoping I can get some help securing stuff.
Uzi, I am so sad for you. What an awful thing to greet you in the morning. Please do not beat yourself up too much.
. We all understand how you feel. Last year was my year to lose birds to predators too. One bear, one sick bobcat. Not good however it all happens, but then you figure out how to re-enforce the coop and change things up a little and hope for the best. Definitely not an easy thing to deal with, so more
Hi everyone,
Uzi, so sorry for your loss. But don't give up! I was ready to give up after my terrible blunders with hatching eggs and loosing babies under broody hens, but it's learning and doing it better next time! And you can!
And speaking of broody, I have a crazy BO who decided to go broody yesterday and I need fertilized eggs to put under her. Does anyone in CO, near the Springs, have any they could part with? I'm looking for like 4-6, and I don't care what breed they are, just as long as I can help my girl!
Thanks, everyone. I guess having an easy Year One did me no favours in preparing for reality! :) It turned out that it was a pair of huge skunks that got them, so I can go back to liking raccoons (for now) and go to not being a big fan of skunks (for now). However, my dad did notice that it looked like at least one fox has been sneaking around so that might be an issue pretty soon.

I got the small coop Memnoch and Mercury were sleeping in divided up so that one side is for them and the other side is for the remaining younglings. It went well last night since I waited until it was getting dark to move the younger birds in. Fingers crossed for no fighting tonight. They don't have to share for too much longer. I'm hoping that this incident will make it easier for me to get help with finishing up coop setups and securing the pens better.

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