
We just got our First Egg from our 25 week old Barred Rock! Happy Thanksgiving!

(next to one from the store)

I went out to give them some treats, and I heard a call that I've never heard before. I just knew it!

I hope you and yours are all well!

I just went out again and found a second egg! Is it possible that they both came from the same bird?

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It seems you have 2 that are laying or missed an egg yesterday!

It takes like 23 hours for a hen to make an egg. If you heard that song twice and found 2 eggs I am thinking you have multiple that are laying. What a super size for a pullet egg as well!
I am super happy you got 2 eggs today!

We are eggless as the older gals are molting and the young ones are still a bit to young.
I am ashamed to admit we had to buy eggs.

Popped in to wish everyone a super holiday.
Yay! Thank you, 21hens! Both eggs are from today for sure, so maybe my GLW followed her buddy's example! I didn't hear the song on the second one. They were all out in the run when I found it. The second one is a similar shape, size and color, that's why I thought it may have come from the same bird. I thought GLWs laid a darker brown than a BR. My other ones are EEs, so I doubt it was one of them.

Thanks, Iomine!

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Yay! Thank you, 21hens! Both eggs are from today for sure, so maybe my GLW followed her buddy's example! I didn't hear the song on the second one. They were all out in the run when I found it. The second one is a similar shape, size and color, that's why I thought it may have come from the same bird. I thought GLWs laid a darker brown than a BR. My other ones are EEs, so I doubt it was one of them.

Thanks, Iomine!


What a lovely Thanksgiving gift! My australorp, orpington, GLW all lay very similar shades of light brown. The GLW egg might be one fraction darker. All three are in this photo.


Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Hello Everyone, and Belated Happy Thanksgiving! I'm finally back on the board - it's been crazy busy here at the B&B, but now have no guests until just before Christmas. I couldn't catch up with everything/everyone, but I read back a few pages, and am glad to see all the new names and avatars.

My little flock lost Schocki, my English Chocolate Bantam Orpington, over the summer, and then I lost Nutmeg, my Welsummer, about two months ago to a combination of a raccoon and cannibalization by her flockmates of her nether parts. It was very difficult to see her so torn up. I had been careless about closing their pop door, and even here - 7 blocks from downtown Denver - the predators are out and about. Then about 6 weeks ago, there was a terrible screaming around 1:00 am. I ran out in my nightgown and chased off this HUGE raccoon, who had gotten THROUGH the closed pop door! My EE Merrie was all bloodied and in great distress, as were my other four girls. So I bathed her, cleaned up the bloody gouges along her back and head, liberally applied Blu-Kote, wrapped her up and took her to bed with me!
It's been so strange re-integrating her with her flockmates, because I really didn't want her to be cannibalized. But they've been pecking and chasing her so consistently that now she has her own feeding station. Thank heavens I still have two coops, so Merrie sleeps in the big coop with Mermaid - my Splash Wyandotte - who is blessedly non-aggressive.

What is it that causes flockmates to so suddenly turn against a living one of their own? Merrie has always been the peacekeeper in the flock, and the guardian of the oppressed smaller ones. Now the balance of power has shifted, and I wonder if it's the purple feathers (from the Blu-Kote) or just that the weakened hen, having lost her high status by being attacked, is now suddenly the target for the others' aggression?

So much for my ramblings. I noticed that Melinda / manjari108 wondered whether her new layer could have laid twice in the same day. I would have thought no, not possible, BUT about a year ago I gave away two of my hens, who were really very mean-spirited to the rest of the flock, to the son of a friend of mine and his wife. They both came to pick up the hens, and my SS FELL IN LOVE with the guy. While they both continued to lay despite the transition, the SS was laying two eggs a day several times a week!!!! The new owners were getting more eggs than I was, and my two were their only hens! So, if they are to be believed, and I see no reason to doubt them, it is indeed possible that your hen gave you a precious two eggs in her first successful laying! I'll be interested to know if that's what happened.

There's lots still to do, so I may not be much on the boards, but I've missed all of you I've come to know and hope to re-connect as often as possible.

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Mu girls, born about the first week in June, are not laying, nor showing signs of laying. Nobody is getting a red, red comb, nor are they squatting. I have an EE, a BO and a Black Australorp. Is there a chance they just won't lay until Spring? They are on layer feed, with veggie treats and about a half cup of scratch on the days I remember. They free range a few times per week. They are otherwise happy, healthy and afraid of the mice in the run! What are the chances I'll get any eggs this winter at all?
My mid August hens are in no hurry to lay either. I figured I wouldnt get eggs until spring. Have you added light to the coop? That may help.

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