
Uzi, I have thought of doing rooster rescues, but it would have to be a hobby (an expensive one at that), and I'd have to resign myself to a financial commitment of my own.  If I were to apply for a grant, I am sure I would have to show how such an enterprise would benefit the community, and, honestly, I don't think there is much support for that.  I have materials for a LOT of coops (You are welcome to some used plywood sheets, not pretty but serviceable), but the time required to manage a lot of roosters - and the cost of feed - just seem like insurmountable obstacles, for me.  I think such a project would make you poor if you could not limit yourself to a finite number of roos, even if you could sell a few special heritage cocks to people needing such roos.  You would definitely have to have a source of income sufficient to keep them, IMO.  My $.02 worth.

I am glad you figured out your supervisor is not going to fire you.  Some Supes play awful games with employees they don't like - in order to get them to quit - because it is VERY hard to fire them.  Don't you ever quit; make them fire you, so they will be required to defend themselves, in court if necessary, and don"t give them a good reason to terminate.  You can do a lot on your own to protect yourself, more than a lawyer can do, actually.  (All you really NEED a lawyer for is to file legal documents in the justice system)  If you got a foul annual review, make a written response, honestly and objectively, from a disinterested point of view, without bias.  Make a copy and always make it obvious that you are open to helpful suggestions.  "You need to make a change," is B***S***.  Your Sup needs to be much more specific than that to make grounds for termination. Being under the influence, failing drug tests, extreme absenteeism, aggression and violent behavior:  these are the kinds of things for which people can get legitimately fired nowadays.  (But of course there are exceptions when the Supe thinks he's infallible)  If your boss recommends a change, a simple "Agreed" reply is sufficient; then ask him if he has any other positions available more suitable for you, yes or no, period.  If your boss did not understand why you were late every day, an explanation was certainly in order, and you could certainly request an exception to policy in your case because of the TBI.  (S)he would have to deny or consent to an exception, or just not answer, no big deal.  You would have to put all of this in writing,  get a written reply, and be willing to comply with the answer.  If you were to be terminated, you would have this little document to fall back on, to support claims of discrimination.  A lawyer could not do this for you, you know?  You are holding just as many cards as your Sup, maybe more because of ADA laws.  You just need to worry about doing your job; if you can do it, no problem.  I used to ask my hostile Sup if I could tape my oral reviews, just so I could keep things civil and avoid a nasty kick in the pants.  Worked, and I got a reputation (for being difficult to deal with).  It's a lot easier if you like to write and are good at it.  Shouldn't be a problem for you, but you have to dissociate from your emotional self and put on your legal cloak to be good at it.  You CAN make the change to "no more Mr. Nice Guy;"  I had to and I did it, so I know it's possible.  Remember:  success is where you come from, not necessarily in being "right," and you just might have to give up being right on occasion, OK with not having the last word.  Your Supe sounds like he is perfectly capable of goofing up his own self..

On another irksome front:  with regard to blistering cocks' combs:  I am CONSIDERING using a spray-on or paint-on version of Liquid Bandage.  I used to use it on my own blisters, and I consider a blessing from heaven.  There are medicated versions, which would no doubt work for infection, but they are extremely painful when applied.  The unmedicated Liquid Bandage, though, should be very relieving and provide a flexible and protective cover for your birds' combs.  Google it, maybe.

Sorry for the tomeish length of this.

Well, when talking to the Disability Law CO rep, I realised he hadn't even given me a review in my review. He still has no idea what my job is! He was too busy accusing me of stuff that other coworkers & the other supervisor in the meeting told him wasn't true & then dropped the "walking on eggshells" comment. I've been killing myself since my car wreck to work twice as hard because I never wanted anyone to use my disability against me in this way. I've decided that I won't be doing that anymore. I'll do the bare minimum like everyone else in that office & make sure I don't continue to make my TBI regress anymore. My speech pathologist suggested getting some legal advice, too, when I mentioned what has been happening with my work situation. I should be hearing back from the law firm by the end of the week on any suggestions they have for me because right now it's all verbal. I have tried to establish the fact that I need things in writing/by email because of my memory issues & he has refused to address anything I've emailed him about. I'm just very frustrated & angry with this situation. I mean, what does he need to say about people with disabilities, our customers, that I'm keeping him from being able to say in our government office?

I may have to look into the liquid bandage stuff. My poor cockerels ended up getting frostbite again with that last below zero days. That $500 coop from the store was not worth the money. :/
I have used a thicker layer of bedding and cut down any low drafts in the coop. I also close them up tighter on nights that we have negative temp at night. I feed them a warm breakfast and I think it is going all right but I still worry about them.

I still worry about them, especially with all the frostbite mine keep getting when it hits -20. The drafts & humidity are the things I've been told are what you need to worry about. I usually throw some alfalfa in with their scratch mix/mealworms when it's really cold & the Sweeter Heater (I think that's what it's called) on for my tinier birds. It is very difficult to break myself from the impulse to use a heat lamp - we used to use them for our hunting dogs, but I always have everyone here remind me birds are totally different than dogs & I can't treat them the same. Plus, the whole possibility of everything going up in flames scares me. :)
Well, when talking to the Disability Law CO rep, I realised he hadn't even given me a review in my review. He still has no idea what my job is! He was too busy accusing me of stuff that other coworkers & the other supervisor in the meeting told him wasn't true & then dropped the "walking on eggshells" comment. I've been killing myself since my car wreck to work twice as hard because I never wanted anyone to use my disability against me in this way. I've decided that I won't be doing that anymore. I'll do the bare minimum like everyone else in that office & make sure I don't continue to make my TBI regress anymore. My speech pathologist suggested getting some legal advice, too, when I mentioned what has been happening with my work situation. I should be hearing back from the law firm by the end of the week on any suggestions they have for me because right now it's all verbal. I have tried to establish the fact that I need things in writing/by email because of my memory issues & he has refused to address anything I've emailed him about. I'm just very frustrated & angry with this situation. I mean, what does he need to say about people with disabilities, our customers, that I'm keeping him from being able to say in our government office?

I may have to look into the liquid bandage stuff. My poor cockerels ended up getting frostbite again with that last below zero days. That $500 coop from the store was not worth the money.
Uzi, aren't you entitled to a written review, dated and signed by each of you? Where I worked, an oral review counted for very little. And you are right: how can your Sup review your job performance if he doesn't know what your job is. I hope your legal counsel can help you, because it sounds like you have little recourse.

I got took on a coop, too. I am so sorry for your little birds with their frostbite. It is not a really simple issue, I'm finding out. Hope things get better for you.

Call multiple attorneys to find the one that best suits you and you are comfortable with.
Also if you have an attorney they can demand that your job follow the requirements in the Disability Act, which has to make certain allowances for your disability. Also your attorney can be the one dealing with your job and making sure your needs are getting met. Don't be scared or nervous, you have the power as you are in a protected group. Do realize that hiring an attorney, might make you the enemy, as far as your job goes. It will make them nervous but at least you will be protected. Good luck, keep your head up, stay strong and keep us posted. :hugs
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Call multiple attorneys to find the one that best suits you and you are comfortable with.
Also if you have an attorney they can demand that your job follow the requirements in the Disability Act, which has to make certain allowances for your disability. Also your attorney can be the one dealing with your job and making sure your needs are getting met. Don't be scared or nervous, you have the power as you are in a protected group. Do realize that hiring an attorney, might make you the enemy, as far as your job goes. It will make them nervous but at least you will be protected. Good luck, keep your head up, stay strong and keep us posted. :hugs

I second this. A letter from a lawyer gets noticed fast. But it already sounds like they treat you as the enemy so I wouldn't worry about making them like you less. As an HR Manager it makes me so mad to hear how they treat you, especially at a government office.
Uzi, aren't you entitled to a written review, dated and signed by each of you? Where I worked, an oral review counted for very little. And you are right: how can your Sup review your job performance if he doesn't know what your job is. I hope your legal counsel can help you, because it sounds like you have little recourse.

I got took on a coop, too. I am so sorry for your little birds with their frostbite. It is not a really simple issue, I'm finding out. Hope things get better for you.
Yes, the reviews are supposed to written out, detailing what our job consists of, what we're doing good on, what needs work, signed and dated. We did none of that. He started the review by saying he knew nothing about what I did there, and then never once looked at my IPO to see what my job duties were. Just spent 30 minutes telling me lies about myself (that were contradicted during the review and by other coworkers during the previous 6 months) and then making up things about my disabilities (still never asked me to explain what they are to him). It's just all very frustrating and I'm hoping they can at least give me some advice on how to proceed.

That coop situation was just heartbreaking! LOL It was so cute and then bam! The door warped during the first wet weather and left a draft aimed directly at the combs. The recycled materials coop my dad built without any plans has done better. Doesn't look professional at all, but it also hasn't given me any problems.
Yes, the reviews are supposed to written out, detailing what our job consists of, what we're doing good on, what needs work, signed and dated. We did none of that. He started the review by saying he knew nothing about what I did there, and then never once looked at my IPO to see what my job duties were. Just spent 30 minutes telling me lies about myself (that were contradicted during the review and by other coworkers during the previous 6 months) and then making up things about my disabilities (still never asked me to explain what they are to him). It's just all very frustrating and I'm hoping they can at least give me some advice on how to proceed.

That coop situation was just heartbreaking! LOL It was so cute and then bam! The door warped during the first wet weather and left a draft aimed directly at the combs. The recycled materials coop my dad built without any plans has done better. Doesn't look professional at all, but it also hasn't given me any problems.
Boy, Uzi, I sure don't understand your boss; given enough rope, it sounds like he could hang himself. If you do indeed end up retaining an attorney, you could, as CoChix said, be deemed "hostile to the company," a terminable offense in my former government subsidized job. It is one of the things you should ask your attorney about before you hire him/her. You might also want to see if mediation is possible; you will need an attorney to set it up, but it will be much cheaper and might possibly get you and your boss on the same page. Just a thought. I did work with a lady who had a TBI, and she was fired for reasons I never knew; I worried about her a lot, and then I found out that she had been terminated with income. 'Twas not the bad ending I imagined at all, and I hope you get one as happy as hers.

Maybe you can patch up and repair the piece of junk that was sold to you as a chicken coop. That is what I'm going to try with mine. Good luck with everything.
Anything a lawyer sends to the employer should be directed to Human Resources, not directly to a supervisor. If the supervisor/coworkers start retaliating that is a whole other issue.
Anything a lawyer sends to the employer should be directed to Human Resources, not directly to a supervisor. If the supervisor/coworkers start retaliating that is a whole other issue.

Ditto! Also it should remind the employer to follow HIPPA Guidelines, medical conditions are Confidential. The supervisor should not be discussing personal information with other staff, one could be sued over those types of actions. Where the heck is the HR Rep in all this? I worked In government, they have one for sure.
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Yes! Technically he shouldn't even be asking you questions about your disability. All he needs to know is what restrictions and/or accommodations are required by your doctor.

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