
Thanks for the photos and explainantion. Very nice looking setup. Do you do anything for shade? My place is mostly open field so I would need something, otherwise I think the meat birds would overheat.

They have shade in their house and then one of the reasons I made a plywood human door instead of a wire fencing door is so it acts as a wind block and makes shade. The chickens have a raised coop and access the underneath area for shade, they also have one plywood wall on their run for wind block/shade. I have some pallets I shuffle around the property to shade different plants or the chickens at time too.
Hugs to you, PirateGirl! :hugs Have they said anything about preevacuations for you?
My DS2 is on a hotshot crew on the Spring Creek fire and it all is just way out of control and seriously scary on all of these fires. I hope they can turn it for you.
Come on monsoons! Rain dance ... :wee:bow:ya:bun
Currently the fire is growing to the south and we live just north of it. I like to think we are safe from the actual fire, but depending on wind, at times our air quality is terrible. This evening my eyes were itching and there was white in the air that I thought was fluff from cottonwoods or aspens, but no, it was ash drifting down from the fires. The whole thing is quite unnerving. The command and the crews working have been great. I see firefighters and vehicles from different districts and states every day. There has been lots of air support when weather is favorable. The air teams have been splitting time with all the fires in Colorado.
Howdy. Was a regular here about 5 years ago. Just deciding to get some chickens again! Trying to pick up a coop this weekend. Tree fell on mine about 5 years ill be looking for about 3 hens in the Springs area if any one knows of any for sale! I always loved colorful eggs. Soft spot for marans, wellsummers and olive eggers!
Lady in Elizabeth has a large (she claims need two to three people to move) coop for free if you are still looking!

And the critter swap is at Big R Falcon Saturday and Elizabeth Sunday.
Don't we have a member near one of the big fires? Did the rain help at all the other day? I got a warning on my radio saying that the rain is expected to cause mud slides in the burn areas. Everyone doing okay?

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