
It was quite a storm today! Hopefully all of you who live south of Denver are ok. The tornado seemed to be right in our backyard..... It was about 5 miles southeast of us! Here are the pictures that I took today.


Wow. I haven't seen one like that since I left Wisconsin. I have explained over the years what to do in case of a tornado to my hubby and he thought I was nuts.

"I'm not going in to the crawl space! The house will fall on me!" house will get sucked up and so will you if you aren't in the crawl space. New Yorkers...waddayagonnado???
Wow! Haven't seen a funnel like that since Indiana as a child!!!

Any of you fellow Coloradoans need a free roo? I have a BO and a Barred Rock, both approx. 16 weeks old.
Yeah, me too, but in N. Dakota...we used to have to hide out in the "storm cellar" with the spiders! And got caught once in old Plymouth stationwagon when a big twister hit Bismarck. Rocked the car back and forth like a weird carnival ride.

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