
Yes, they are beautiful. And your ad was very informative, perfect. I still wish I could keep ducks. I just can't figure out how to deal with the fact that my water freezes in the winter months and I have no way to heat it up. I am already challenged just by keeping drinking water available for my chicken flock...but a big duck bath boggles my mind!

Do ducks really lay through the winter? I bet not at 9000' elevation, though....?

Coveting these ducks badly...
My runner lays through winter. She takes a little time off around Christmas, but I figure she needs the vacation
I have heard that ducks weather the cold better than chickens. I've never had chickens so I have to go on what I hear. They have down, you know like the stuff we put in our best, warmest jackets, as Wifezilla's husband once pointed out to us on the duck forum. Also you don't need to keep a whole pool unfrozen, a big dog dish with a heater will work for winter just so they have enough water to stick their bills in up to their nostrils. Although it's nice on occasional warmer days to give them a larger basin to jump in for a quick refresher.

Someone just answered the ad already! They said they will be in town on Sunday and would like to pick them up. I'm gonna MISS EM! They are so cute, especially the little Campbells! My husband calls the the knob-heads, or the "nobbies" for short.
Hey fellow Colorado folks! I have 2 roosters that need a new home. They are free to BYC'ers!

Still not sure what breed the first one is. I have asked on here a couple of times, but didn't get a response. He is a BIG "blue" boy! Absolutely stunning. I love his lacing. He has a rose comb.

The 2nd one is a Welsummer rooster that was hatched here by one of my broody hens. I got the eggs from OKiehen. He is much younger then the 1st guy and hasn't even started crowing yet. But he is all roo!


Thank you so much! We are so happy to finally have a girl again. I have 3 older brothers for her to show how hard we tried for a girl
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Blessings to you and little Jasmine...

And welcome here! I'm up near Meeker, so not so far from you, in Western Colorado terms, that is!
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