
My incubator still isn't in and the silkie eggs I ordered just arrived. A friend let me borrow a broody hen but the only thing that I've managed to do is break her of her broodiness. The incubators at Big R suck (still air). Anyone have any suggestions or an incubator they'd let me borrow?
If the eggs are under a week old you have a few days left that they will be viable. DO NOT refridgerate them. When do you expect your incubator?
The chickens put themselves to bed every is awesome and much easier than herding them and catching them like I did when they were just feathering out and I was putting them into the brooder every night.

My ducks will not go up the ramp into the coop, but would go into the I let them stay in the run during the night. Now, for the last 5 days they have quit even going into the run and want to camp out in the yard every night. So I have to go out and herd them into the run and then close everything up for the night.


When we had ducks when I was a kid, we lived out in the country. There were coyotes and raccoons that tried to get into the box coop almost every night, and when the sun was starting to set our ducks couldn't wait to get into the coop at night....
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I just emailed you. That would be awesome. I'm just hoping I'll have better luck with these guys than the last batch of eggs that came in.
Cruddy day today. Found one of my week olds (or half of her) being carried around by one of my hens in the chicken yard. Not sure who actually killed it but the Mama that hatched her was pretty lax on watching her and I should of went with with my gut this morning and took her away from her

Then I went out to do one of my many daily checks on the duck hens sitting and my Rouen Lucy wasn't there ( she was a couple earlier today) and one of her eggs were broke. Searched and searched. Something had drug her out to the field and ate everything but her head and wings. Not blood or anything. Heartbroke and tired of crying. I'm pretty attached to my ducks, geese, and many of my chickens. What would eat all but her head and wings. In the middle of the day...
Cara, so, so sorry to hear about Lucy and the chick.

Cruddy day today. Found one of my week olds (or half of her) being carried around by one of my hens in the chicken yard. Not sure who actually killed it but the Mama that hatched her was pretty lax on watching her and I should of went with with my gut this morning and took her away from her

Then I went out to do one of my many daily checks on the duck hens sitting and my Rouen Lucy wasn't there ( she was a couple earlier today) and one of her eggs were broke. Searched and searched. Something had drug her out to the field and ate everything but her head and wings. Not blood or anything. Heartbroke and tired of crying. I'm pretty attached to my ducks, geese, and many of my chickens. What would eat all but her head and wings. In the middle of the day...
Cruddy day today. Found one of my week olds (or half of her) being carried around by one of my hens in the chicken yard. Not sure who actually killed it but the Mama that hatched her was pretty lax on watching her and I should of went with with my gut this morning and took her away from her

Then I went out to do one of my many daily checks on the duck hens sitting and my Rouen Lucy wasn't there ( she was a couple earlier today) and one of her eggs were broke. Searched and searched. Something had drug her out to the field and ate everything but her head and wings. Not blood or anything. Heartbroke and tired of crying. I'm pretty attached to my ducks, geese, and many of my chickens. What would eat all but her head and wings. In the middle of the day...

so sorry.
maybe a fox or coyote? I know alot of animals have been displaced because of the fire. I bet some of them ended up around you.

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