Colored Leg Bands - where to get them?


12 Years
Mar 16, 2007
LaGrangeville, NY
Hi all,

I am looking for colored leg bands for my 6 Buff Orpington Gals so we can tell them apart.

They all look the same! hee hee...

Every where that I look you need to purchase 100 of the same color.

Anyone know where I could get just a few and of different colors?? I only need 6! LOL!

Check around at your local feed stores or with your 4-H and FFA clubs. When the birds are shown they need bands and it might be possible for a group to get you 6 all in different colors. BTW your full size orp ladies will most likely need a size 11. Good luck
The bands at are reasonably priced. I don't know where you can get just six, though. Mine cost $5.75 plus $3.85 s/h for 25. I got the plastic numbered bandettes. Maybe you can split an order with somebody.
I looked at the leg bands on line and noticed that they have velcro ones. So, being the thrifty (ok. cheep) person that I am, I went to Walmart and in the fabric section, I found something called "Velcro Fashion Trim'. For less then $4 I got a box with 4 colors, 1" wide and 3' long. I cut a strip about 5" long and then cut it down the center to make it only 1/2" wide. I wrapped it around the leg of a chicken and "tada!" I can tell my favorite BR now from her 11 sisters! I put some of the different colors on different birds, and they have been on overnight so far. I tried shorter pieces first, but they could pull them off and play with them. The 5" piece seems to work the best because there is enough grip to keep them from being able to pull them off, and being velcro, I can adjust it as they grow.

Just thought I'd share in case it could help someone else with this ID thing.

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