colored leg bands

I don't use traditional leg bands myself, but I do use a color coded system with zip ties instead. I've heard that colored poultry leg bands tend to fade out quickly, even though they are made to use over and over again. I've been using colored zip ties for a few months now, and haven't come into a problem, minus the fact that if you are tagging younger birds, you would have to replace the ties often enough.. They are great for identification purposes. I use mine to identify which chickens I'm keeping for laying purposes, which to butcher out, age differences, etc.
The only con I can think of besides that colored leg bands (made specifically for poultry use) tend to fade after a while, is that you will want to check to make sure they aren't harming the chicken's leg (if they are growing birds).
I went back and forth with this myself, trying to decide which to get. I finally went with colored zip ties and I LOVE them. Super easy to put on. Just make sure you round off the edges a little after you cut off the extra so that there are no sharp edges. And obviously it takes two people, lol!

I used zip ties on my chickies......was learning how to handle them at the same time, kind of did it to learn another chicken keeping skill as well as mark one person chicks from another's. Started handling them a lot when young, messing with every part of their bodies and holding them in every direction so they'd get used to it. Was able to do them alone without any help, tho it was tricky at first...both me and the birds got used to the routine as you have to change them frequently at first with growth.

What I learned:
-Bend the ziptie back and forth all along the length to soften the stiffness and start the long end thru the lock into a loop to slip over the foot before grabbing chick.
-Put them on their backs on my thighs to do the zipties, the hand over the chick holding it down can hold the lock while the other hand pulls the long end thru.
-Leave them as loose as possible without falling off, gives you more time between having to change them out.
-Use a set of small (like for jewelry making) very sharp clippers to trim and remove zip ties....side cutters to trim long end right against the lock-thus no sharp ends to try to smooth over and end cutters to cut thru the lock to remove them(this is much safer/easier than trying to get under the tie going around the leg and especially if they've gotten too tight).

Just my experience, maybe it will help someone else.
We have 2 golden sex links that are 2 weeks apart in age. At first we could tell them apart but now they are getting harder to tell. We are looking at the zip ties.
How early can you apply leg bands? I have chicks that are hatching in the incubator as I write this :). I'd like to band them once they have fluffed out, right before I put them in the brooder. I'm using small coloured zip ties. Too soon or OK? Thanks!

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