Colored Rangers Grow Out Journal/ Video Added pg 11

I've never heard of that hatchery but looked him up. He's a feed store
who sells chicks too.

Yep, they probably already come from JM if they are a feed store. I doubt they hatch their own chicks. So save yourself some money and order them direct.​
Yep, they probably already come from JM if they are a feed store. I doubt they hatch their own chicks. So save yourself some money and order them direct.

More information:

Redbro is a Hubbard-ISA Shaver product that is currently available in the U.S. via a Canadian company that imports parents from France. It is not slow-growing but rather a medium-growing broiler—it grows out in 9 to 10 weeks. Jerry Srednicki at a Connecticut hatchery ships day-old chicks.

Yankee Chicks, Inc/Hall Brothers Hatchery
P.O. Box 1026
Norwich, CT 06360
860-886-2421 or 860-608-1389
860-889-6351 FAX
Contact: Jerry Srednicki

Which makes it sound like the chicks that Yankee Chicks send out are actually hatched by Yankee Chicks (or Hall Brothers Hatchery). Probably the eggs are shipped from Canada to Connecticut and hatched there.
Well I did it...ordered my Colored Rangers tonight. I'm so impressed with all the invaluable info on this convinced me to order them. Since I live in Michigan, I won't be getting mine until the end of April. Hopefully by then the snow will be a thing of the past.
Quickly approaching 12 weeks and I'm anxious for an update! How are the birds doing?

Yes it is,next week. We are going to process them on Wed. April 4.

They are all doing great. They are eating a 50lb sack daily now. I'm thinking my FCR's are going to be a little this batch as we have had some of the oddest weather this winter. We had a bunch of freezing temps that we normally don't have. But we will never know until the weigh ins. Have some of the roos that think they need to start and crow in the mornings and during the day. But for the most part they are very quite and hardly know they are even around. At 11 weeks old they are extremely active. They eat in the morning and the rest the day the range within every inch of their area. Of course the check back in on the feeder with out the day, but they do alot of free ranging as well.

Well I did it...ordered my Colored Rangers tonight.

Well you should be very happy with them !!!

I'm so impressed with all the invaluable info on this thread

Thank you, I hope this helps a lot of people with their questions of the colored rangers. That is why we started it, was to help people, specially with these birds as they are so new to the US and there just is not that much information out there on these guys.​
I'm so impressed with all the invaluable info on this thread

Thank you, I hope this helps a lot of people with their questions of the colored rangers. That is why we started it, was to help people, specially with these birds as they are so new to the US and there just is not that much information out there on these guys.​

It has been useful. I am going to raise some meat birds this summer and am waiting for your final report before deciding which way to go.​
You mentions that the litter was 6-8 inches deep and they dug to the floor. Did you keep the same litter all 4 weeks that they were living on in the inside brooding area? Or did it need to be replaced once or twice?

This is an excellent thread. Thanks so much for posting it. Ours are due to arrive in 3 weeks!

I thought I read it the other day, but now I can't find it. Does anyone remember which ones *seem* to be the quickest growers? Which *seem* to be the slowest? Jaune? Color Yield? Redbro? Tricolor? I am just curious and don't expect any guarantees or definitive answers ... just what folks think.

Also, in France some of the Label Rouge chickens are egg layers. Is there a specific color of these rangers that is a reasonably good layer?
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You mentions that the litter was 6-8 inches deep and they dug to the floor. Did you keep the same litter all 4 weeks that they were living on in the inside brooding area? Or did it need to be replaced once or twice?

Nope I keep the same litter. The trick is to not let the litter cap or get wet. Towards the third and fourth week you will have to scrape the top off and replace with new litter, just the top inch or so. I also stir/mix the litter up three times a day.morning afternoon evening. I do replace it with every new batch,as my brooding house is not big enough to keep the old litter and put new on top, after 4 weeks my litter is spent and really has nothing left to it.

Does anyone remember which ones *seem* to be the quickest growers? Which *seem* to be the slowest? Jaune? Color Yield? Redbro? Tricolor?

From what i have seen here the Redbro's and color yeilds are the fastest and then the Juanes are right behind them though. Have not had any tricolors yet to judge with.

Also, in France some of the Label Rouge chickens are egg layers. Is there a specific color of these rangers that is a reasonably good layer?

From my understanding these will all. lay eggs for you. Just need to feed them smaller amounts with less protein in it to slow them down a bit and all the hens will lay eggs, from what I have heard.​
At what age were you able to sex them?

Right around 3-4 weeks probably sooner never really tried. I have some that are 3.5 weeks old today and I could tell you 90% what sex they are.​

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