Colored Rangers Grow Out Journal/ Video Added pg 11

Slightly off topic, but I was concerned that posting to buy/sell/trade would go unseen.

I recently posted to craigslist that I was getting rid of all of my rangers and found a home for them within a few days. (I had to move from my farm with only a few days notice, no way to keep the birds) Then somebody emailed me looking for fully grown ones to try breeding. I told him that I was sorry I was all out, but would ask here.

In his email, he said: "I am in Brooklyn during the week. On the weekend, I go to Bridgeville, Delaware. I pass on The NJ Tpk.and 295. Anywhere within 20 min. of that is fine."

If there is anybody who has mature rangers that they are willing to sell, please contact me so I can forward the information to him.

Thank you!!!!
I'd like to add my thanks to Harp for this journal - very helpful. Thank you! Well done.
I did the ultimate side by side test... since my son and his family were comming for Easter from their home on the coast, I had him buy a 3.2 pound free ranged bird from one of his neighbors that was originally purchased from JM hatchery. My daughter and family came from town. I took out the smallest Cornish X from my freezer at 3.4 pounds. Thawed them both out overnight ,then put them in seperate pans in the same oven at the same time. NO salt, NO pepper, NO garlic , NO seasoning whatsoever, just the 2 chickens for lunch. We then enjoyed watching the grandkids on their Easter egg hunt. So, when finished bakeing, every family member tasted a piece from each bird. The result was they BOTH TASTED LIKE CHICKEN, however the free ranged bird was more chewey. Since they both had NO seasonings to mask or enhance anything, the consencus was that we preferred the Cornish X . (Since we have so many predators, free ranging is out of the question for us, so Cornish X is the best bird for us, at least). We finished the day off with a fabulous baked ham feast.
Bossroo, Since you've yet to say anything positive about the rangers, or ANY pastured or free ranged bird for that matter, I'm going to take anything you have to say about side by side comparisons with a grain of salt. Other families have said the opposite, and they didn't have an agenda against one breed or the other.
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As I stated ... the results are ... THEY BOTH TASTED LIKE CHICKEN !!! No bashing or compliment intended. We each have our own taistes , so eat what you whant. I just wanted to see if what some were saying was true without gumming them up with seasonings to satisfy their own palate or personal agenda. If true in superior eating qualities for us, I am always ready and able to make a switch. Our personal experience years ago, on our old place where we were able to let them run around the barnyard, we raised the RIR plus Leghorns plus barnyard muts hatched by bantys as our main birds , then switched to New Hampshires as we found them to lay better than the RIR and the roosters produced more meat plus their temperament was MUCH better.This after we were able to get only a dozen RIR on mail order and the rest of the 36 were substituted with the NH and BR. At our present ranch, we have too many predators to even think of raising any chicken even in a totally well fenced in yard. One has to raise them inside a very secure horse barn stall. Since time is money, and I raise my chickens for our own consumption , NOT for coyotes or hawks , the prefered chicken type was noted for our conditions.
TimG -

I'm also in So. Me, and am considering getting some Rangers. I don't check this forum every day; you can email me at ixnay at roadrunner dot com.

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