Colored Sebastopal Geese - New Photos

lil'chickies :

I have a question you might be able to help me with. I have 4 goslings. One I am sure is a white chinese. Very obvious on the bill. One I am thinking now is a Sebastopol after seeing these pictures. 2 of them have the markings like sebbies, with the gray areas on backs, but they just have a black stripe across bill close to the head. Do you have any idea which breeds have this stripe? Can't find them in pics anywhere.

Here's a pic of them.

The two with stripes.

One has lighter grey than the other. Could it be a sign of gender maybe? Just curious if you could help me!!


Colored Sebastopols are born with black on their beaks and legs but it fades to orange.
Other breeds of white geese like Chinese and Embdens etc. are born with the same smokey grey caps and saddles as white Sebbies but I don't know what their beak color is.
Chances are you aren't going to get a Sebastopol when buying from a feed store.

Best wishes with your new babies Miss Prissy!
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Thanks! I am getting ready to put them in their bath. The air is cool this morning. I was hoping for a warmer day! They will need the heat lamp this morning.

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