Colored Sebastopal Geese - New Photos

Thanks-I'll try that. I'm also trying a small shallow dish of water on the outside underneath the incubator where the air draws up into it.
They got here in 2 days. In excellent shape and no loose air cells.
If you have one add a warm air humidifier to the room. Set it up next to the bator. I know in winter my house is dry and takes work to keep the air humidity up.
I know you asked MP, but I got some from her too and I live in Va too. She sent them thursday and I got them today (saturday)
My first set of eggs is nearing the finish line. Today is the last day I will be turning them. Tomorrow they get moved down to the hatching tray.

Fingers crossed!!
Crossing fingers with you!

I am getting nervous waiting to see if any of my sebbie eggs are even developing. I read past posts abt waiting until day 10 at least, and am only at day 6 now. But nothing seems to be happening. It is making me ill to think I might have spent so much for eggs that may not be fertile or will develop/survive.

If I don't have any luck, I won't be trying the sebbie eggs again. Too expensive of a mistake if it doesn't work out. I just wanted some so bad.

Going through past posts is like being pregnant and hearing everyone else's experiences- some good, but many bad. I saw too many posts where they didn't make it, so I am really feeling depressed about it.

Keep us posted- I need to see a happy ending right about now.

Sharon, never give up. Goose eggs are some of the toughest to hatch. I agree they can be expensive and this is a draw back for particular breeds. It is always a gamble getting them even to day 28. We never know when fully developed goslings will come out to greet us. I hold my breath every time and pray pray pray. I have considered just ordering adult pairs (about the same cost as a dozen good eggs) but that just takes the challenge out of it. I also do not like bringing live birds to the property - that's one reason I hatch.
I am on day nineteen on eggs from the same parents as yours. All eggs had little feet waving at me when I candled them this morning! Good Luck
with yours MP, I' can hardly wait to hear your results!

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