Colored Sebastopal Geese - New Photos

I am just as nervous because I have heard that they can get to the end and just not hatch. I know mine are on day 19 today....and I still have time left but its no nerve wrecking....I am thinking if they both hatch..their names will be lucky and miracle (names I gave to two pups that were the only survivors of my female's litter). The reason for the names is because there was a time when i forgot to put the top back on the bator after the "cool down" period and also temp's max recordings were high at they will be lucky and a miracle
I had along cool down from a power outage and one spike to 102, and the my eggs are doing fine! Have positive thoughts. I would do a refresher read up on how to help the baby out of the egg if it becomes necessary. I am doing the same. I had to help Zeena out of her egg, and when Zeena hatched her own eggs she helped several of her babies out of the shells. It was amazing to watch!
Helping goslings can be very disappointing. I have found if they are not strong enough to hatch that 90% of the time when you help they linger then pass any way.
I know there are threads on this site-try a search. I would only help them out as a last resort, i.e if they pipped at the wrong end or pipped and couldn't get the lid off. Zeena could'nt get her lid off because the membrane got dry and rubbery-prob not enough humidity.
I flipped it off for her and got the humidity as high as I could. I still had to help her out and wash her in warm water. She was really gluey. I was lucky with her, most of the time I agree that they don't make it.
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I must have one of those!!

MP if you happen to get an extra blue gander...I have a white sebbie goose who is terribly lonely.

Perhaps the person you got those eggs from has some more to part with?
On the sebastopol forum we have photos showing the difference between blue and grey... hope they help :)

My grey girl finally layed an egg this week. She was bred to her blue gander father... cant wait for these golden eggs to hatch!
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wow...they actually help them too?? how do they do it..just nip away at the shell....thats awesome!!

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