Colored Sebastopal Geese - New Photos

I believe they got the grey colors into sebastopols by breeding with toulouse, and toulouse carry some black unlike the blue. I think blue was made by breeding together sebastopols and American blues.
Sorry this is off topic:
MissPrissy- I looked at your web site and saw the lambs- how cute! Were they wearing sweaters???
Oh- I know some people put sweaters on the newborn ones, and it looked like they had a pattern on them, so I thought maybe they had little sweaters on. They are too cute for words!!!
Wow! I am just now to the point of figuring out the blue genetics of chickens, and now you guys tell me it's different for geese? Thank goodness I'm getting buffs!

Good luck on the eggs Miss P!! If anyone can hatch them, I know you can
So when exactly do you expect them to hatch? If they are supposed to come out on day 25, if they hatch on day 28, then there is only 3 days for the positioning (normal i think) and what if they don't hatch out until day 31 though? that would be almost a week of no that okay? I thought they'd get stuck to the shell....How does it work?

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