Colored Sebastopal Geese - New Photos

Goslings can pip on day 28 and not actually hatching until day 30. You can't get in a hurry with them. When they do hatch they have to recover. It can take them many hours to get their head and neck under control.
so it won't hurt them to not be turned for more than 3 the case they pip later than day 28?

yay..5 more days and I'll stop turning too!!
My sebastopol eggs (day 27) are starting to talk to each other:D

Does anyone know how long it usually takes from when you hear them to when you see them?? And if I can hear them, does that means they have broken into the air pocket? I can't see any pips. Thanks for being here...I am SOOO excited about the babies!
If you can hear them most likely they are in the air cell.

I moved my 4 down to the hatcher yesterday. The eggs were rocking! I can't wait for pips! Today is day 27!

Banter - hold my hand! lol

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