Colored Sebastopal Geese - New Photos

Will they look different than normal goslings at hatching since they are Sebastopal? Or do they look the same until the actual feathers start coming in?
Nothing yet!
A watched pot may never boil but a flashlight and a full acrylic door means I can spot check and watch them rock. 2 of them are rocking like crazy but no pips yet.
You are raising my blood pressure here! Go give them a pip (pep) talk! Go! Go! black beaks! Come on orange beaks! Honk! Honk! Honk!
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So It has been over 36 hours since my first guy hatched and the baby is doing great. I decided to remove him from the bator and get him comfy in the brooder. I took that opportunity to candle the other egg. The baby had broken into the air shell but was completely still ...No movement no noise when just 2 days ago the egg was rocking and peeping ...I tried everything to get movement then decided to check for myself... I carefully pricked around the outside and removed some of the shell...( I've done this to "rescue" chicks before ) any way long story short he was no longer alive:barnie:barnie He looked just as beautiful as the happy and alive gosling...fully formed blood at all while I removed the shell so what happened? Anyway I am so grateful for my little Cutie pie .

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