Colored Sebastopal Geese - New Photos

.......Lucky you

I sweet talk them , i filled their pools threw some lettuce in it for them , gave them some bread , some watermelon , i put new straw in the dog crate so if they did want to lay eggs they could , Nothin
you guys are lucky . I got stuck with free loaders
I set 8 on Thursday and there is four already in the bator.

But...... we had a power outage from 2-10 yesterday. My battery back up ran until about 4:30-5:00 and I spent that time trying to get my generator running. The pull string wouldn't recoil
and I finally got it started at 5:45. I hope they are all ok.

However, the two babies we already have had a little swim in the deep sink in the utility room today, it was hilarious.
wow Jean!!! Yea! where are the photos?!!
Im dying here for some goose babies. I swear my geese were the last to lay...

I candled today. the eggs in the incubator out of about 17 eggs. maybe 5 are developing. sigh how sad is that!

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