Colors, Colors


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 18, 2012
LaGrange KY
So I have 7 guineas. I thought I have 5 pearl greys, but one looks different than the others. It's sitting between the 2 lighter colored ones. The second picture it's spreadout(they are so difficult to photo). Is it a pearl grey or something else? I'm new to guineas, and I can't figure out the color scheme. I even looked a charts and can't tell anything... Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Yep, like Muscovie said... Royal Purple. Looks young, and partially pearled birds are really hard to ID when they are anywhere between their first set of feathers and their adult plumage. They change so much with every molt. One more molt and there will be lots less pearling.

NICE pen, lucky birds! But where's the little umbrella drinks?!?!
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They are so much more happier since I moved them out of the chicken coop. They really enjoy jumping in and out of the the chicken's nesting box. It was a prototype for my chickens and figured the guineas might have fun with it. They're usually around in during the day. In the evening is when then start to perch up where they are. Put in perches of all heights/sizes. The lovely foliage is brought to you by Mother Earth. My mother thought it was a special herb.........

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