Comb blood

May 9, 2020
My leghorn has some blood around it’s comb! It also has some black spots on it, I was assuming this is dried blood. What can I do to keep it healthy??? I did spray it with a something recommended, forgot the name.
OK. The name of what you sprayed it with should help. If you've cleaned away it and giving it a little spray, its just a nick and will heal quickly.
Ok good.

Keep an eye on it, make sure there's no bullying, but sounds just like a little nick. It happens to leghorns, because they are lively and with large combs.

No worries.
My leghorn has some blood around it’s comb! It also has some black spots on it, I was assuming this is dried blood. What can I do to keep it healthy??? I did spray it with a something recommended, forgot the name.
Combs and wattles bleed a lot. They are very vascular. It is common to see little black scabs on combs resulting from minor pecks, usually received at roosting time and when eating. I don't bother to treat unless someone got a little bite taken out that really starts bleeding.
Vertericyn Plus is good to have on hand for just such an occasion.

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