comb cutting

I doubt it would make him more docile. Caponizing does, but then the rooster can't be used for breeding.
Unless you're showing an Old English Game rooster (bantam or regular sized), there isn't any reason for dubbing (cutting the comb off). The only other reason people do that is for cock fights. Remember, the comb is like a radiator for the bird so they can cool off a bit easier.
comb cutting is done for 2 reasons , one is for show and the other is done by ckicken fighters so the other rooster can't grab it. a hair cut makes you look good but wont make more docile and it would be like cutting your ears off
It is called dubbing. Aside from showing and cockfighting, as onthespot says there is some argument sometimes for doing it to prevent frostbite when keeping climate-inappropriate chicken breeds.

I do not believe there is any reason to think it makes a rooster more docile.

oh, thank goodness we have none of those reasons! they will stay! I think it would be cruel as well, but my neighbors tell me all sorts of things, about how in the country here they did that all the time- trim it off and rub sand in it for pete's sake! our main problem is that we love all of them, and know we can't keep them. Could we let just the roosters free range, while the hens are in pens/ kennels? would they still fight? you guys are great for your input, keep it coming and i hope i won't get on your nerves.

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