Comb injury?

He's had some little black spots since he was a tiny roo but these are new at the back end are all new as is the discoloration and bleeding. It seems to cause him no pain.
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the black spots could be blood...they look like scabs. how long ago was he injured? if it's not recent, then you might have another issue.

either way, i would clean the comb with betadine and put antibiotic ointment on it every day until healed.

good luck, lynn
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Haven't got a clue but googled it out off curiosity and it said it could be comb scab , it's where another chicken has pecked it leading to a fungus didn't seem to see a cure but hope all is well x
It looks like a pecking injury or dry fowl pox. Pecking injuries in my rooster took almost 3 weeks to heal. Fowl pox comes from mosquito bites and it not a big deal unless you get wet fowl pox inside the mouth, nose, and eyes--then it is very serious. There is no treatment for dry pox.

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