Combining 2 ideas....


In the Brooder
Jan 31, 2021
I was looking at creating a feeder with a 20 gal trash can and then I saw someone use a rain gutter between 2 cynderblocks for a tray feeder. I feel like my girls would love that, but I still want to put the feed in a trashcan to keep a flow going for them. My brain just cant seem to connect to the two ideas, could I create a spout somehow to keep the tray full?? Sorry if this makes no sense!
Do you have a photo by chance? I’m a visual person :)
Not a problem... don’t mind the mess, spring hasn’t come yet to do a spring cleaning but spring is close. There is a cap on the top of the pvc to prevent chicks from roosting and falling into the pvc tube.
How many chickens do you have? I am not sure this would be enough for all 10 girls.... or would it??
I have 17 chickens. I have one in the coop and then a feeder in the run. I do let the flock free range from spring to fall. During the nice weather free ranging months, I fill the feed every 3 days. In the winter, I normally fill every other day.
I have seen other people put an elbow on the end of the pvc tube and have multiple pvc tubes together.

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