Come at Me, Bro!

That is too funny! Never mess with a rooster!!!
This is Greg:

This is Remy:

Stan likes to look up lady's dresses so he and his flock are locked away when visitors arrive.
This is Greg:

This is Remy:

Stan likes to look up lady's dresses so he and his flock are locked away when visitors arrive.

Yep, that's about the sum of it!

Stan likes to look up dresses? Can you blame a svelt young roo for looking?

Great story. I wouldn't be surprised if Remy remembers Greg the next time he visits. The certainly made an impression on one another.

I wouldn't be surprised if he remembers Greg most intimately.

I mean, he definitely does recognize people in so far as to be able to tell strangers from us. Anyone know just how good a chicken's memory for forms/faces happens to be? Now I'm all curious!
My daughters roo hates me! He is an aggressive stinker...Daughter is very careful when getting eggs from coop..He isn't bad inside the coop , just outside...Now the reason this roo hates me? Every time I'm there I make it a point to catch him and "pet" him in front of everyone...boy does he get ticked off...last time I did it he decided to "bite" me..left bruises all over my arm but he didn't get put down either...Told daughter he needs to be called "Stew"...cause that will be where he's headed !
My daughters roo hates me! He is an aggressive stinker...Daughter is very careful when getting eggs from coop..He isn't bad inside the coop , just outside...Now the reason this roo hates me? Every time I'm there I make it a point to catch him and "pet" him in front of everyone...boy does he get ticked off...last time I did it he decided to "bite" me..left bruises all over my arm but he didn't get put down either...Told daughter he needs to be called "Stew"...cause that will be where he's headed !
Not all roos take to the grabbing thing, and if he's always expecting you to grab him (which he evidently hates), then you're reinforcing his idea of disliking you.

Have you tried a different approach, such as always showing up with his favorite treats and offering them to him first thing?

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