Coming back up to temp...


8 Years
Apr 30, 2011
Central Maine
How long does it take to come back to temp after setting in a Hovabator?

Taking my new Hovabator for its first spin with 36 eggs I set yesterday. I had it stable at 100.5F for over a day before setting, but its been 18 hours now and still hasn't come to temp. It seemed to stall at 96 so I adjusted the T-stat after 12 hours... doesn't seem to be moving past 98 in spite of a few more turns up.

The light indicating the element is on has been on every time I've checked, so I'm leaning towards it not being a t-stat issue. My house is on the cooler end of the spectrum, 58, but fairly stable in that particular room and the incubator was able to hit 104 when I was first getting the thermostat adjusted a few days before setting.
Is it a still air? It can take up to two days to get back up to temperature. Also, 58 is very cool, too cold for a still air to operate optimally. Best room temps for still air are between 68-72 degrees. You may want to install a fan next hatch to allow you to hatch with a wider temperature range. For this hatch, consider wrapping the incubator in blankets, leaving the vent holes open, or move it to a warmer room. Hope you have a fantastic hatch!
Still air.

I'm getting closer, seem to have broke the 98 barrier and hit 99... almost there...

I'm in Maine and we heat with wood... that's the most stable room we have as far as temperature. Hah! May have to rig up a closet with a space heater...

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