commercial feed from Walmart

Thanks! It is a lot of fun to be member of BYC and learn so much about chickens.
I didn't know they sold it either. I work at a farm and fleet so i feed agrimaster. I really like it too. Im sure wally world will start selling it here soon.
I've read that at this stage 8 weeks, I should cut their chick ration by 50% with oats so that they don't grow too fast.

This thread is almost 4 months old. Things have changed since then. Please check the dates on a thread before posting.

As far as the oats are concerned, I have never heard of that. Maybe it is to slow the growth of meat birds? And fatten them? My egg layers stay on chick starter until they start laying, at which time I switch them to layer feed.
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I don't necessarily avoid Wal-Mart, but I rarely shop there. I prefer the local grocery chain where you don't have to park a half mile from the entrance, the aisles are uncrowded, the cashiers actually recognize the regular customers, and they have baggers that do a good job bagging groceries and even push the cart out to your vehicle.
depends on where ya live. I live in the middle of bfe... so the store 20 miles away carrys it

Wow, we are in the middle of nowhere, too, but no chicken feed at WM.
Any feed sold at walmart will be "seconds" or the leftovers that "name" brands are not made of. Sort of like Dumor from TSC.
Personally would not buy feed from any place that an employee could not describe from personal experience on how the product works in real life in a cost vs production vs quality ratio for what you sell/consume...

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