commercial feed from Walmart

I love Walmart.......
Thanks for the thread. I will have to ask the next time I go to Wally-World.
As far as I know they do not carry poultry feed but I can always ask them to get it. Never know unless you ask.

There are many things I get at Wal-Mart that are exactly the same as the name brands but half the cost or less than the name brands. All one has to do is look at the ingredients listed on the package. If they are the same, why pay more?

God Bless,
Because if we buy the cheaper stuff at Walmart we are going to run the little independent know, the ones we depend on for the specialty supplies in addition to feed, right out of business. And then Walmart builds yet more stores to handle the business, eventually needs bigger stores so they abandon the smaller buildings and they sit vacant forever while they go a bit farther out of town when they can get a larger piece of land cheap to build a do I know??? They've done exactly that in about 15-20 years in our area. Our feed stores (and any other retailers...clothes, hardware, auto supplies) can't compete and are no longer in business. We have two empty old Walmarts that have sat vacant for 5 years now. And 3 new mega-stores built within the last 5 years.
I understand your point and can sympathize to some degree. I am a small businessman myself. But the fact of the matter is, in business and in life, one must adapt or die.

This is a capitalistic society. Competition, free marketplace, and entreprenurialship is what drives this country. There is no logical reason to spend $10 for an item at a Mom & Pop store just to keep them in business when you can buy the EXACT (apples & apples) item at Wal-Mart for $5.

Every single one of us these days are trying to make our dollars stretch. In this down economy I have not lowered my fees because those who have fees much lower than mine cannot provide the quality or the service that I do. So I offer my customers a choice. Go to the discount folks and get what you pay for or use me and get a quality product with excellent service and guarantees at yet a still reasonable price.

The dinosaurs didn't adapt and they're extinct. GM and other USA Automakers (including the Unions) told us for years to pay more, buy an American and feed an American, and all that stuff. All the while turning out products that fell apart while Toyota and Suburu put out products that looked good and held together. Now look at GM and the others and compare them to Toyota. Who's borrowing money & looking for bailouts and who's building more plants and investing in America?

Ah, but now the American people get to own GM and who knows who else before long. I guess that's the upside. As for the empty buildings. I have no doubt that either someone will move in and occupy them or they will get torn down. So? Do you know how many people were employed to design and build that store in the first place? And beyond that, if Wal-Mart has the money to build a store and then abandon it a few years later only to build a bigger and better one someplace else, who are we to tell them what to do with their money?

Bottom line: Putting customer service aside (and I've personally found Wal-Mart customer service to be outstanding), there is little reason to spend more for the same exact product. But to each his own and if folks want to spend more when they don't have to, I say God Bless them too. Just don't tell me that I'm not entitled to steward what God has given me the best way I can and save money where I can so it can be used on other things.

God Bless,
I love Wal-mart ....who knows I may have to get a job there one day and be the little old man that greets you at the front door. When no one else will hire me..........That is if this whole retirement thing doesn't work out
I would love to use the feed store but they close at 5 oclock. I can never get there because I work full time- like most people I know. HOw do they expect people to patronize them when they are never open when people are available? TSC and WalMart are open in the evenings. I am all for supporting small local businesses but I am not going to take vacation time in order to do it.
I understand your point and can sympathize to some degree. I am a small businessman myself. But the fact of the matter is, in business and in life, one must adapt or die.

This is a capitalistic society. Competition, free marketplace, and entreprenurialship is what drives this country. There is no logical reason to spend $10 for an item at a Mom & Pop store just to keep them in business when you can buy the EXACT (apples & apples) item at Wal-Mart for $5.

Every single one of us these days are trying to make our dollars stretch. In this down economy I have not lowered my fees because those who have fees much lower than mine cannot provide the quality or the service that I do. So I offer my customers a choice. Go to the discount folks and get what you pay for or use me and get a quality product with excellent service and guarantees at yet a still reasonable price.

The dinosaurs didn't adapt and they're extinct. GM and other USA Automakers (including the Unions) told us for years to pay more, buy an American and feed an American, and all that stuff. All the while turning out products that fell apart while Toyota and Suburu put out products that looked good and held together. Now look at GM and the others and compare them to Toyota. Who's borrowing money & looking for bailouts and who's building more plants and investing in America?

Ah, but now the American people get to own GM and who knows who else before long. I guess that's the upside. As for the empty buildings. I have no doubt that either someone will move in and occupy them or they will get torn down. So? Do you know how many people were employed to design and build that store in the first place? And beyond that, if Wal-Mart has the money to build a store and then abandon it a few years later only to build a bigger and better one someplace else, who are we to tell them what to do with their money?

Bottom line: Putting customer service aside (and I've personally found Wal-Mart customer service to be outstanding), there is little reason to spend more for the same exact product. But to each his own and if folks want to spend more when they don't have to, I say God Bless them too. Just don't tell me that I'm not entitled to steward what God has given me the best way I can and save money where I can so it can be used on other things.

God Bless,

"There is no logical reason to spend $10 for an item at a Mom & Pop store just to keep them in business when you can buy the EXACT (apples & apples) item at Wal-Mart for $5". ???

There is a completely logical reason: my Mom & Pop store owners are a Moms & Pops, they live in my hometown, we know each other by first name, I can drive, ride my bike or walk my dog down to their store and buy my goods. I will always spend an extra couple of dollars to support my brother! A dollar extra for a flytrap? A couple of dollars extra for chick feed from a store that is less than 5 minutes away! Without my Mom & Pop small town is nothing...just cheap disposable goods mostly made in China.

I have a friend in Oregon that works for Corporate Wal-Mart, another friend made a killing building Wal-Mart stores, they both made/make a bunch of money, but that isn't important to me, check out the movie, read the followup, no one was sued for exposing the inside information, only lawsuits that are being won are the ones against Wal-Mart for not paying overtime and their employee discrimination past practices.

Support the little guy, I do...


Wal-Mart: Save Money, Live Better? The closest store to me is 20 miles and there are 6 stores within 30 miles and 15 stores within 50 miles. Drive a lot and save a lot, not for me!

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