Companions for jerk rooster.


Jan 3, 2024
South Georgia
I have a rooster who has to be kept by himself, for two main reasons:
1 He's too big for the hens(and too rough with them)
2 The other rooster will kill him if given the chance

He is not friendly at all to anyone or anything, and seems to be getting worse as time goes on. He's in a very large enclosure, so it's not a space issue. I believe it's partly because he has no interaction with the other chickens.

So, the main question:
What kind of animals can be kept with a rooster for companionship, if any?

Goats would be the preferred choice because I want goats anyway and know how to deal with them.
Hmm. Sometimes I put a boy in horny jail so he can't harass unwilling hens, but my "jail" is within the main run and actually provides shade that the hens like. So the jailed individual still can socialize through look but no touch. Any chance he could use a similar setup?
Hmm. Sometimes I put a boy in horny jail so he can't harass unwilling hens, but my "jail" is within the main run and actually provides shade that the hens like. So the jailed individual still can socialize through look but no touch. Any chance he could use a similar setup?
No. He'll fight thru the wire. Already tried that.
Is there any particular reason you want to keep him? It sounds like he's better suited for the pot than the coop.
I don't eat my birds. The only way I'll cull one is if there is no other choice. Notice I did not say reasonable choice. I know that others may not understand it, but I will not kill anything if it is in my power to give them life.
You could try finding another rooster or some larger hens that are more assertive to keep him in line and just have two flocks or you could look into rehoming him. It sounds like he has some attitude issues though, so I would probably not trust him around small children.
He sounds similar to Mr. Evil a Silkie Rooster I used to have. He was so aggressive to chickens, & humans I ended up turning him into soup. There was no solving the problem when he was alive.
I understand that that's the only solution for most people, but I done eat any chickens- let alone my own! It sure would be a lot easier.

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