Comparing egg color and size??


12 Years
Apr 14, 2007
I know there is a great egg color chart...I also know that different computers show colors differently....So, being very new to chickens PERIOD, and never having my own eggs, I am asking those of you that have these multiple breeds or any of these ( RIR, BR and BO) to compare the eggs for color and size.. I am trying to inform myself (for when the girls lay), so, I might be able to figure out who goes with what egg. Thank you Dixie
Hi Dixie, I think it might be a very individual kind of thing, but as for my chickens, my BR's lay medium brown, large round-ish eggs and my BO, who is petite, lay's a very pale brown, more oval shaped egg. Sorry I don't have any RIR's.
In fact, I wouldn't call the BO's light brown, it's really ivory.
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Thank you very much! This is actually what I am looking for.. And yes, I know the colors will vary some but I thought I might have a starting point..
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I just had eggs in the bator...let me see if I can find show you a BUFF ORP...cuckoo marans, ee


two on the left are cuckoo marans....right one is EE


cuckoo marans shades different...


buff orp eggs


right side my RIR

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