Complete Newbie Question


13 Years
Mar 8, 2010
Mid-Coast Maine
I am considering Ducks. What breeds should I be looking at for both beauty, disposition and of course eggs. No pond.
Currently I have chickens and more coming in the Spring. Looking to diversify. Any tips on duck raising and ownership appreciated.
Ducks are very, very messy. As soon as you clean the water they will be the first to trash it, then continue trashing it until it's that wonderful nasty dirty color they love!! If they're going to be housed with the chickens, that may be one of the things to consider.
Not necessarily to be housed with chickens. Actually probably not. Just looking for what breeds to consider if I actually decide to go that route.
Probably not gonna find many duck hatching eggs at this time (even though they lay year round) because people usually want ducklings in the Spring. By far the best breeder of SQ Whelsh Harlequins is Holderread Farm ( Many can back me up on that. You can get Pet Quality WH from most hatcheries. Look up Pet Quality vs. SQ w/ the search on BYC...

Be sure to post pics if/when you get ducks!
big_smile.png sells hatching eggs. It's a little bit out of season now, but you can check with them. They only have 2 breeds now. In spring you will see all of them.
There are plenty of good breeds out there. Check with the Storey Guide to Ducks. BTW the new edition will be out soon. I did preorder it on ebay. Noise or quacking of ducks seems to be an issue. That is something to consider when you get your ducks. I have Saxonies and they are very quiet.

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