
Jan 31, 2019
Islamabad, Pakistan.
Hi guys!

I need help pleasee. I went to my coop and checked on the chicks that were supposed to hatch overnight, I found 3 which were perfectly healthy and fine but one which was under the small food tray without any skin on its head and multiple deep wounds to its skull, it was all bloody, head hanging loose and quiet.

I immediately picked it up and it started chirping in my hand, I cannot see it's eyes, it looks like it was skinned and the skin was pulled off from above the eyes, making the remaining skin overlap. What's worse is it's wound and the overlapping skin along with the space between the eyes and skin seems to be full of sand and dirt.

I tried my best cleaning the areas and being as gentle as I could, I cleaned it from neck to head but I am clueless about it's eyes. Is it blind? How do I remove the skin so it can see, what do I do about all the muck stuck in the tiny spaces. After cleansing the area with a diluted Dettol solution I've applied Neosporin. It's calm and I've given it water, it drank, now it's sleeping under in the brooder. Since its head is hanging low, although it does seem to have some control, I've placed it in a box with cloth to keep its head upright.

Please if anyone has any suggestions or has had the same experience, I would be eternally grateful if you could help me. I cannot bear seeing this poor chick like this, it has the will to survive.
I've attached pictures for you all to see.

(*Graphic content*)

Thank you in advance!


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It is possible the broody hen knew she wouldn't make it and was trying to put her down. Those wounds look pretty bad- small chicks with wounds like that usually do not make it I am so sorry this is happening to you ):
It is possible the broody hen knew she wouldn't make it and was trying to put her down. Those wounds look pretty bad- small chicks with wounds like that usually do not make it I am so sorry this is happening to you ):

Thank you. I wish I had gotten there sooner, I always incubate my eggs and hatch them myself, this one time I decided to let them just sit on them because they were broody. Two hens of mine were sharing the eggs and sitting on them, I'd find a different number of eggs everyday under each, they'd also be snuggling together, now they're sharing the chicks too and don't seem to mind. The last time they were broody they gave up in between so I never risked it again because those half way eggs never made it.

I'm worried about the other chicks, I have 2 healthy ones with me in the brooder right now, more to hatch next week, should I bring them in?
And although this chick does has severe wounds it's behaving like a normal chick so far, it's sleeping, when I call out its chirping, it's lifting it's head, not crying. I just hope either it's put out of its misery soon if it is suffering, but if there's a chance I can help it and save it, I want to do that.
That is great!! She seems to be doing way better than I could have imagined!! Have you tried giving her electrolytes or vitamins? This will give her an extra boost.
Regarding this rest of the eggs, I would use your best judgement. If it were me, I would probably bring the eggs in but I am also a scaredey cat of eveything, so it really is up to you. It is unlikely this will happen again but better to be safe than sorry. If you would like your hen to take them in, I would hatch them inside and put them under her as soon as they hatch.
Sorry about your chick. I would apply some palin antibiotic ointment on the wounds and eyes. Try to wet any crust on the eyes so that the chick can eventually open them when swelling goes down. Try to find out if the eyes are intact.

Did the chick get away from the broody where other hens could peck and hurt it? Usually when I have a broody, I keep her in a dog crate until all eggs hatch, or if it is 2 days past, I remove the eggs and candle them. Once I had a chick get away, and she was killed by other hens.

The chick will need to be feed watery chick feed into it’s beak until it can open it’s eyes and see food and water. Very sorry this happened, and I hope that you can save the chick.
I would never apply any type of pain medication to a bird. Things of this nature are actually toxic to birds and water fowl. You can apply some neosporin, but make sure to check the lable for any caines such as lidocaine.
That is great!! She seems to be doing way better than I could have imagined!! Have you tried giving her electrolytes or vitamins? This will give her an extra boost.
Regarding this rest of the eggs, I would use your best judgement. If it were me, I would probably bring the eggs in but I am also a scaredey cat of eveything, so it really is up to you. It is unlikely this will happen again but better to be safe than sorry. If you would like your hen to take them in, I would hatch them inside and put them under her as soon as they hatch.

I haven't yet, as I just found her like this 2 hours ago. I was thinking if I should give any oral painkillers (diluted) and I will surely start the vitamins now.

I'm just really concerned about her eyes, I'm not sure whether to try to clean them and remove debris or just leave them and let her heal.

Also, about the eggs, yes I've brought them in, she seemed to reject them once the chicks hatched. Not so sure as to what to do about the 3 chicks in the coop though, I hope they don't attack them too. They're separated from the rest of the flock so no other chicken can hurt them.
Sorry about your chick. I would apply some palin antibiotic ointment on the wounds and eyes. Try to wet any crust on the eyes so that the chick can eventually open them when swelling goes down. Try to find out if the eyes are intact.

Did the chick get away from the broody where other hens could peck and hurt it? Usually when I have a broody, I keep her in a dog crate until all eggs hatch, or if it is 2 days past, I remove the eggs and candle them. Once I had a chick get away, and she was killed by other hens.

The chick will need to be feed watery chick feed into it’s beak until it can open it’s eyes and see food and water. Very sorry this happened, and I hope that you can save the chick.

Thank you for your concern.
The 2 broody hens were isolated since a week, so it was just them and the chicks.

Yes, I've applied the antibiotic ointment, but about the eyes, I really cannot tell what has happened. It looks like the skin flaps have sort of accumulated on the eyes, one eye is exposed with no lids and no skin on it, the skin is pulled to the front of its beak. The other eye I can see the eye lid but it's just a ball of gathered skin flaps I cannot pull the skin back because I cannot do anything to hold it back in place and there's a lot of dirt in between the space of the skull and the skin flaps.

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