

11 Years
Mar 3, 2012
Puyallup, WA
Today article about composting states manure can be scratch through by chickens. My question is: will it harm them in any way to scratch through THEIR OWN POOP? We have a compost with lots of hay, their poop, eggs shells and that is pretty much it. We don't put anything else in there. What are the pros & cons. THANK YOU AGAIN FOR YOUR FEEDBACK.

I have been considering using my (future) chickens to help with my garden compost efforts. I throw everything into the composter that is organic in nature: Lots of veggies, fruit scraps, coffee grounds and tea bags mostly. In the spring, weeds from garden, clippings, and grass clippings go in. But, it takes a long while to break down. I've read alot of info, and some sources say that I can use compost in the chicken run over a base of hay or bedding, the birds will scratch through it, mixing and shredding, while on the hunt for edible bugs. Then I can just shovel the good stuff out as needed for my garden. My concerns are if its safe? Do I need to stop adding coffee and tea to the compost (I'm thinking of jacked up caffeinated birds...)? Will it be a smellier mess than just normal coop & run? My composter doesn't stink, except when I am being lazy and don't turn it. It is always teeming with bugs, worms, and grubs (gross juicy big ones).
Can I get some opinions?
Thanks for the feedback,,,,,
I think it all depends what you put in the compost. some plants are poisonous like milkweed, jasmine, datura and are very common in the garden. I don't want my chickens getting to that before it is broken down. Also I don't want any chicken manure less than 3 months old going back into my garden. I have several piles going at any one time. I have one bin that I empty every three months, I never add chicken manure to it once it has started. After 3 months composting with a couple of stirs along the way, I put in my vegetable garden. Then I fill that bin up with yard waste, kitchen waste and chicken manure and wait another 3 months, and so on. I think you have to be careful with any fresh manure, except maybe rabbit manure.

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