Concern for broody


May 9, 2019
Morganton, GA
I have a broody hen sitting on her nest in my backyard. She is apparently a wild hen in the neighborhood that no one claims and followed the neighbors rooster around. I'm very familiar with her. She hatched 12 chicks in the spring and brought them to my yard so I housed them quickly and still have 5 of them. I love having them but I have 2 cockerels and 3 pullets. Not an idea situation now that they are 18 weeks. The mother hen left them at 6 weeks and went back to rooster daddy. She has continued to lay eggs in my yard. Now she has been sitting on her nest with 7 eggs, I've counted them, for about 13 days now. I racked my brain trying to figure out if I should pull the eggs or see if she stayed and hatched. I decided to let her hatch knowing I take responsibility for the chicks, boys and all. But I am hoping for more pullets. My concerns for the broody are these: 1) Daddy rooster is now gone. Don't know the situation, just that he isn't around anymore and 2) she won't leave the nest as far as I can see. I saw her off some the first few days but the last few days I haven't caught her off the nest at all. I am concerned about her health. When I housed her and her chicks before she stayed with us til they were 6 weeks as stated. I am sure when these hatch if I provide shelter and food she will stay again. I wish I could intergrate her into my flock now that her rooster is gone and give her a home but she has always been free to roam and a little wild. Just any general guidance as I am new to chickens would be appreciated. Sorry so long.
I have no idea, I eat my cockerels..
.. @oldhenlikesdogs might know, I believe she segregates males at times.
I always pen them where they can see the rest of the flock and interact through the fence. Some roosters are compatible, some aren't. Those that cause problems become dinner here. Putting them together when young helps. Taking your time integrating new ones is important too.

I think keeping them away from the flock would cause more frustration. It's like having to hear a movie, but not being able to see what's going on in it.
A broody hen will leave the nest once a day to eat, drink and dust bath. Usually early in the morning or later in the afternoon. The last day or two she won't leave once the eggs start talking to her. You are probably missing when she is off or she's close to hatching.
And maybe rotate days I let them range? Maybe? And divide the flock between the coops for more room.
How does that sound as a plan?
Rotation can work well.

Better to have one coop that will fit all the birds you want in a flock as they usually end end wanting to roost together. A separate coop and run for the boys is a good idea to have.

Slaughtering is another chickeneering learning curve, but well worth it IMO.
Not 'fun', can be a lot of 'work'(cleaning up afterward makes me tired just thinking about it), but pretty satisfying.
I know this is an old thread but the chicks hatched out yesterday.
Always best to update thread(this one is not that old) than start new one,
that way we know the backstory.

If you want to integrate this bird and her chicks into your flock....
Do you have a place to keep them confined and safe?
A section of your coop would be best.
I'd move them there tonight, well after dark, grab her first-then the chicks.
Then give it week or so to decide how to handle the next step.
Do they really fall asleep so soundly that you can handle them like that??
Well, it's hard to say for sure how she'll react.
Keeping the light very low will help.
Being calm but swift and sure is a must, chances are if you don't get hold of her right away she be gone and may not come back to nest in the dark.
Might want to have a net or something to toss over her so she doesn't bolt.
...and have a brooder with heat ready for the chicks if she gets away.
I don't have any suggestions for the question here, but have a question concerning the broody. I cannot tell if she is eating or not because I am gone most of the day. Her comb is droopy and she has at least 10 more days remaining before the chicks hatch. Is there anything I should do? She is only about 6 months old. I am surprised, she went broody so early. Any advice for a concerned chicken lady.
This is why I like to sequester birds from the rest of the flock with a wire wall,
enough space for nest, feed, water, and some walking around room,
then you can see if feed has been touched and the disgustingly large poops they leave.
When I housed her and her chicks before she stayed with us til they were 6 weeks as stated. I am sure when these hatch if I provide shelter and food she will stay again. I wish I could intergrate her into my flock now that her rooster is gone and give her a home but she has always been free to roam and a little wild.
How did you 'house' her?
Do you free range your flock?
How big is your coop?
What are your plans for the 'extra' males?
Do you have a male already?

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