Concerned about 1 chick : Meyer delivery yesterday


Sep 12, 2018
Hudson Valley in NY State
Hi, thanks for reading and any suggestions.
I ordered 9 chicks from Meyer. They arrived yesterday morning. 8 seem very strong and healthy. 1 of the chicks though is very lethargic. She rarely lifts her head off the pine shavings. The others often walk over her.

I will see her in different spots so I know she does move.
This morning I put her beak in the water and she drank a bit. I left her there and a few minutes later she was back lying under the heat lamp.

I'm concerned about her! Anything I can do? Other thoughts?
I'd buy electrolytes to add to the water... I know that you can add Gatorade to their water in a quick pinch if you have some on hand. You can also go to the feed store and buy electrolytes for water that's suitable for chicks and chickens.
If you have dollar general near you(assuming you're in a remote area not close to a grocery or walmart) you can grab childrens non flavored electrolytes. Yogurt and egg yolk I'm told works well also.. Just make sure it's the non flavored yogurt.(normal NOT greek).

I'd get on that ASAP because from experience I can tell you they go down hill fast.
She got her first dose of nutri drench around 2pm, and another dose at about 5:30. Each time about .25 mL direct, and some water.

She looks worse. She's convulsing. The other chicks are still walking over her. It's really sad. What else can I be doing ??

Thx for advice
She got her first dose of nutri drench around 2pm, and another dose at about 5:30. Each time about .25 mL direct, and some water.

She looks worse. She's convulsing. The other chicks are still walking over her. It's really sad. What else can I be doing ??

Thx for advice
I'm really sorry you and your little chick are going through this. I lost 4 chicks from Meyer that presented exactly as you are describing. I pulled out all the stops to save them. They just never really thrived.
It doesn't sound good for your little one. If it is failure to thrive, there really isn't anything more you can do that you haven't already done. :hugs
A vet is not going to be able to tell you any more than the folks on here in most cases, in fact they'll likely know less and you'll get a hefty bill.

At this point I'd take her out of the brooder and bring her inside, give her a small comfortable box with a lamp that puts off heat or even some hand warmers? Give her personal attention.

I hate to say it but the next few posts will likely say to put her out of her pain by killing her and I'd likely agree since she's convulsing.. That said that's not easy for everyone to do.. For instance I can shoot a deer but don't ask me to cut a chicks head off..

Anyhow, inside, day and night attention. Make her comfortable and likely over the next 24-48 hours she'll improve or she will pass. I hope she gets better.

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