Concerned about development of this 3 week old Cochin


6 Years
Apr 10, 2013
Pacific Northwest

Li'l Bit here has me a bit concerned - she's literally half the size of my other Cochins. We got them at the same time and they were hatched on the same day. They started out roughly the same size even. She eats plenty, and gets rest, poops normal, scrounges and scratches like all the rest - really doesn't behave any differently. She's just half the size of the other four Cochins. She's even smaller than my Orpingtons, which are two weeks old. Wonder if she's maybe a bantam in disguise. Should I be concerned, or is she just a "little one"
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Sourland, anything is possible I guess. The breeder is from New Mexico. I purchased the lot of them from my local farm supply. They get their shipments by breed. If there was a mix up - it would have come from the breeder. The farm supply listed them as "Giant Cochins" not the bantams. I asked about it because I'd only seen Cochins to that point in the bantam size. Her diminuitive size isn't a big deal really. I was just worried that if she's supposed to be a "giant" and she's half the size, that something might be wrong with her. I hope she doesn't start getting picked on.

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