Concerns about shipping delays


Nov 11, 2019
Sorry if this is in the wrong place.

This is mostly just an...'I need a hug' style thread haha.

I have been waiting to get chickens for SO long. Years now. We finally have a house, and I was going to wait another year, but things were hard and I was struggling. My hubby wanted to help cheer me up and give me a win, so he helped me plan out and finish our coop so we could get birds this year instead of next. I was thrilled.

Of course this coincided with the pandemic. I could only find baby ducks in store, which I got (they're growing like weeds). So I ordered chicks online.

And now I'm seeing posts from people about shipping delays and getting boxes of dead chicks (in other BYC groups), and I am so worried. My chicks were shipped out yesterday afternoon, but the tracking # says they wont be delivered until Friday (which means picking them up since they don't actually deliver them). Normally priority would be much faster, so I'm sure this is due to the immense pressure and under-staffing USPS is experiencing. I don't blame them, but I am now very worried about my babies.

Anyone else that's had chicks shipped experience a transit this long? Any advice? I ordered 15, with the intent of keeping 6-8. I wanted to account for possible roos, or sick ones that might not pull through. Also planned for meat birds in case I had too many. But also the minimum order was 15. This is hoover's hatchery as they're the only ones I could find that had shipping dates as early as April when I ordered back in march.

Weather wont be horrible I don't think. I'm mostly worried about them going a week without food or water.

Should I take water with me to the PO and let them have a drink before getting them home? or is getting them in the brooder ASAP more critical?

There's nothing I can do but sit here and worry (my superpower) so I appreciate any advice or kind words you can spare.
I see no one has messaged you so I decided to come in and say it will be ok even though i have never ordered live chicks so I can't give you much advice. I was really stressed last week because I got my first order ever of hatching eggs and it got delayed as well. You'll be surprised how tough the chicks will be, just stay hopeful. If you live in a cold climate, I would immediately get them home and have someone alongside you on the drive giving them water if they seem dehydrated. What I've noticed with the chicks I've hatched that heat is number one most crucial thing even over food and water. They will be okay, don't you worry. You're going to be a good chick mom.
Hi. I also have a ship date this week(tomorrow) and am currently stressing the same thing. Mine is for 15 guinea keets. All we can do is think positive! Chicks are surprisingly resilient. Here's that hug. :hugs Let us know how it goes. What kind of chicks are you getting?
Hey everyone, we ordered from Meyers. They shipped from California to Florida and we ordered three ducks, and geese. Monday they shipped.....They didn't deliver until Thursday and only one gosling didn't make it. I was stressing cause of the four days but they sent extra in case of that I'm guessing. They are now two weeks old and doing great.
Relax, have a glass of wine. Don't stress over something that has not happened yet!! I ordered chicks and picked them up at the Post Office at 6:30 in the morning. I lost no chicks at all. That is the best thing to do, have them phone you and go get them. The second time I ordered our phone was not working. They came with the regular mail delivery that day at 1pm. I lost 5 chicks because it was just too long a time. (I live over 25 miles from the post office.) So, stop worrying and make sure your post office knows you are expecting chicks and has your phone number. It will all be OKAY! You will love them when you get them, and no, don't mess with them until you get them home. Then introduce them to the water by dipping their beaks and tap the food with your finger. Mother hens peck to show the chicks what to eat. You finger helps them to know. Good Luck! I'm excited for you! :hugs
Thank you all! It's good to hear that folks have had longer shipping times with minimal issues. I will keep my fingers crossed that it works out ok. I appreciate the hugs and positive comments!!!

What kind of chicks are you getting?

I've got buff orphintons and a few from the 'egg color assortment' they offer. So 9 buffs, and 6 mystery birds! I'm super excited to try and figure out what the 6 I get are. haha!

I'll definitely keep everyone updated. I was having nightmares all night about it last night. Gonna try to keep myself busy so I don't ever stress. Easier said than done though.
Thank you all! It's good to hear that folks have had longer shipping times with minimal issues. I will keep my fingers crossed that it works out ok. I appreciate the hugs and positive comments!!!

I've got buff orphintons and a few from the 'egg color assortment' they offer. So 9 buffs, and 6 mystery birds! I'm super excited to try and figure out what the 6 I get are. haha!

I'll definitely keep everyone updated. I was having nightmares all night about it last night. Gonna try to keep myself busy so I don't ever stress. Easier said than done though.
You got this! No worries and just think about how amazing they are gonna be. Keep us updated. :fl

Got the call this morning! Looks like they still arrived on time. Everyone is happy and healthy and settling in.
So happy to hear! I have an order coming May 5th and I have the same concerns. My only hope is the weather will be fair. Mine are coming from Meyer Hatchery in OH and shipping to Pennsylvania. I ordered mine way back in December! Obviously no one cold have predicted the crazy life we are living right now.
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So happy to hear! I have an order coming May 5th and I have the same concerns. My only hope is the weather will be fare. Mine are coming from Meyer Hatchery in OH and shipping to Pennsylvania. I ordered mine way back in December! Obviously no one cold have predicted the crazy life we are living right now.

Mine went from MN to OH. Our weather is pretty decent right now, so I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you!!!

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