concidering about getting ducks


In the Brooder
12 Years
Nov 11, 2007
I was considering about keeping ducks but I live in a town in a suburbs, will the duck noise will be a problem? I do know they are messy and I have read that duckling should not be fed medicated chick feed and what the minimum space for ducks?
Ducks are my new undertaking.....I am a newbie but I will tell you what I learned.....

Messy is an week old baby ducklings are 10 times messier than ANY other pet I have had (including the chickens). How can these cute tiny yellow things make that much mess BUT that being said they are adorable and follow me around and peep a lot (and we have only had them about a week).

Check your zoning laws, my mom lives in the suburbs and they aren't allowed any poultry.

Ducks can not swim right away- well they can but they shouldn't a lot because they can and will drown.

I am not sure about the noise as mine are wee little things still but they "talk" and "peep" a lot....I heard a duck should have at least 4 Square feet but I am not sure.... is a good resource! as is people on this board....

I love my little ducks but I will reinforce the fact they are MESSY (and smelly....and CUTE)!!
I can't imagine not having ducks (and geese for that matter). It's worth the effort.
I don't have any problem with messiness. I have two that are a few days old and one that is about a month old. They are much cleaner than the chicks.
Different breeds make different levels of noise. I'm hoping to get my first ducks this spring. I live on 3/4 of an acre with neighbors on either side and across the street. I won't be getting call ducks, lol! I have read Storey's Guide to Raising Ducks cover to cover several times. There's a lot of info in there on the different breeds and their needs and habits.
I agree w/ "Lisabug".. They are messy (big time) Chicken are much cleaner then ducks but I can't picture not having them around.. I ahve right many and 32 KC duck eggs in bator and 4 under a broody hen... I live way out in the country, but you should check you zoning laws first...

Edit to add this info on noise level: Call and mallard - High
Campbell, pekin,rouen, runner - Moderate
Muscovy - None

I have Campbell, Pekin, Runners and Muscovy and I can hardly tell they are on the place....
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I will be looking at the link

I would check with about zoning laws with my dad yet again...I don’t really want to, I would hate to hear no poultry in the suburbs and when my dad hear that, he going to surely get rid of the chickens I have(and this will be one of my worse thing to be happening and i pray that their is no limit of how many chickens and ducks i can keep when that day come)

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