Confession time!

When we first got chickens my granddaughter went with us to pick them out. We purchased pullets. She loved the speckled sussex and we got 6 of them she named them all teddybear no confusion on her part just teddybear. She was 4 at the time. She still does it though when they look alike she just names them one name and you better not try to change it. lol
I have 5 chickens- all different breeds- makes it very easy to tell who is who! even my 3 year old daughter knows which is which. My red star looks a lot like my RIR now that she is growing (they are 9 days apart which make it very easy before to distinguish)- so far she is lighter in color though- hope that doesnt change much.
I have 2 black twin male cats that we raised from kittens that we can't tell apart so we named the AC/DC. They both answer to it.
I feel guilty about my crummy names too

My girls are young, but they're the only ones of our pets without names. Right now our RIRs are Big Red, Red Jr, Blunt Tail, and Fuzz Head. Descriptive, I know. Sadly, Fuzz Head is getting all feathered and hard to spot and Red Jr is almost as big as Big Red now!

The 2 BOs are just "The Twins" because we can't tell them apart. And the 2 BR's are "The Big Girls" cuz they're 2 or 3 weeks older than everybody else.

Oh, well. Maybe as they age I'll learn there subtle differences enough to have "real" names. If not, colored leg bands it will be
No difficulty telling mine apart
Though sometimes it takes me a while with two of the Wellies -- their faces are different, but if all I see is their backs, I'm out of luck. Of course, I only have 7

No names here, though! No getting too attached!
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I have 4 birds all look very different from each other, and they don't have names either...

I started to give them names but the kids didn't like those names, so I left it up to them and they are still nameless...

hubby and I were talking last night about naming I'm guessing as they become fully feathered we'll come up with something or spur the kids to
I have 9 "brown" chickens--they are various amounts of brown and white--one has always been darker than the others, and my son named her "senorita brownback" immediately. One of our bigger gals is named "giant fluffy butt" because it looks like she has big pantaloons on--she is so cute. Three of them are called collectively "the babies" because they are one week younger than the others.

Not very specific names, but they come to the fence when we call from the porch, so we think they love us!


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