Confused about hen-picked on and pale

She is separated from others. We try to integrate her only when we are there. Poop looks normal. No blood. Either white or the brownish color.
Has anyone tried any natural ways to worm? After reading what other people do, I’m curious. Maybe she needs wormed? Really trying to do what we can. Our chickens are our pets.
I understand completely. Feel the same way about my ladies. Keeping her inside just helps monitor her behavior. I’ve had mine in the emergency clinic kennel in our house for a week and a half before. That’s good her droppings look good which to me seems like it would not be worms because it would show in her poop. Not necessarily the worms but her poop would not look normal. The pale come to me says Something is definitely not right
No idea Rachel. She seemed to be healthy.
Gave her watermelon and she is acting really off. It’s like she can’t see when she is trying to eat. She is hungry and eating at it.
May need to start spoon feeding her water if she’s not getting enough. No vets treat chickens in my area so I’m really going crazy here. I have to work all day, so can’t baby her until I get home.

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